Handbooks and reading lists in Economic History
Gregory Clark, University of California at Davis
Materials from a course delivered in Winter 2010 and based on Clark's 2007 book "A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World." The site includes 26 full-length video lectures, readings and homework assignments.
Published or updated: 2010
Licence: Not known: assume All Rights Reserved
Peter Temin, MIT
Reading list, syllabus and some problem sets (without solutions) from a 2009 undergraduate course giving "a historical perspective on financial panics. Topics include the growth of the industrial world, the Great Depression and surrounding events, and more recent topics such as the first oil crisis, Japanese stagnation, and conditions following the financial crisis of 2008."
Published or updated: 2009
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA)