Handbooks and reading lists in Development Economics
An archived graduate-level course originally taught in 2021, with slides and video from 25 lectures. "Topics include human capital (education and health); labor markets; credit markets; land markets; firms; and the role of the public sector."
The site for this 14-week online course, dating from January 2014, includes a detailed reading list, covering topics including development and its measurement, universal health coverage, biodiversity, sustainable cities, and climate change.
58-page document with recommended readings, questions and summaries of key points from a course on the political economy of economic development. The educational aims of the course are given as "To understand what shapes economic and political outcomes, in low- and middle-income countries." and "to critically assess different explanations of country growth trajectories".
Twelve video lectures and accompanying slides, plus detailed reading list and problem sets from the first half of a 2013 undergraduate course. Topics include "migration, modernization, and technological change; static and dynamic models of political economy; the dynamics of income distribution and institutional change; firm structure in developing countries; development, transparency, and functioning of financial markets; privatization; and banks and credit market institutions in emerging markets." The videos can be downloaded from the Internet Archive.
Reading list and essay topics from a 2003 course that explores "why poverty, economic transformations and development policies often have different consequences for women and men, while also examining the history of development itself, its underlying assumptions, and its range of supporters and critics." The content is available in Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese as well as in English.
From an archived graduate-level course taught in 2002, this MIT OpenCourseWare site includes PDF-format lecture slides, a reading list and syllabus.