Curricula and Syllabi in Advanced Econometrics and Quantitative Techniques
Slides, syllabus and reading list from an AEA Continuing Education short course run in January 2022. The course "examines the interplay between data design, and statistical inference and decisions. We will examine classic sampling and experimental designs, but also alternatives such as adaptive randomization designs and multi-armed bandits which raise the possibility of improving inference and decisions at lower cost."
Slides (as one large PDF), lecture notes (as one large PDF), problem sets and a couple of RStudio interactive apps from a course run in 2018.
This advanced course web page includes a syllabus, past exams, lecture notes, and problem sets with solutions - all in .pdf. It supports a course on Mathematical Tools for Economists as taught by Robert M. Anderson of University of California, Berkeley as taught in 2006/7.