Welcome to the TRUE page for The Economic Analysis of Law. This site is managed by Tony Dnes (A.Dnes@hull.ac.uk) at the University of Hull.
The objective of the TRUE project is to provide an accessible, online resource for teaching the economic analysis of law; the materials would typically include syllabi and course outlines, lecture notes and slides, assessment questions and solutions, and case studies, among others. Equally as important would be reading lists. We also hope to include useful links and discussions across all the specialist areas of economics of law, such as regulation, contract, environmental issues, tort law, the family, international comparisons, antitrust law, crime, and legal procedures.
Our hope is that the site becomes a useful means for exchanging ideas and resources which promote the teaching of economics of law in the UK, and of use internationally. To help in achieving this, we should like to invite comments and suggestions on teaching material. We particularly wish to invite academics in the discipline who have teaching materials and other aids with which they are willing to share.

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