Who Owns Britain?
Panel discussion about wealth inequality at the 2017 Festival of Economics, Bristol, featuring Facundo Alvaredo, Torsten Bell, John Hills and Karen Rowlingson, chaired by Romesh Vaitilingam
- Who owns Britain? #economicsfest panel starting @FestivalofIdeas @TorstenBell John Hills @CASE_LSE @KarenRowlingson http://www.ideasfestival.co.uk/events/who-owns-britain/ …
- Wealth in the UK: distribution, accumulation & policy - book by John Hills @CASE_LSE & colleagues, #economicsfest http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199678303.001.0001/acprof-9780199678303 …
- The cost of inequality - short film interview with John Hills @CASE_LSE, #economicsfest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRQm_LVhDTw …
- Top 10% to bottom 10% has 4:1 more income and a whopping 83:1 more of personal wealth #economicsfest
- Credit Suisse has come up with global wealth figure that the top 1% has the same amount as the other 99% #economicsfest
- Had a great time at @FestivalofIdeas #economicsfest, can’t wait for the next talk! pic.twitter.com/LV3GiLr3eo
- Politicians need to be talking about solutions to the housing crisis, @TorstenBell @resfoundation, #economicsfest http://www.resolutionfoundation.org/media/blog/politicians-need-to-be-talking-about-solutions-to-the-housing-crisis/ …
- "Choose your parents wisely" advice on maximising personal wealth from the #economicsfest
- The UK's generational divide - short film interview with @TorstenBell, #economicsfest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reQQPxh8xUs …
- Aaaaand the panellists ignored the second (more important) half of my question about millenials in the workforce #economicsfest
- @TorstenBell really prioritises housing: when talking Pride and Prejudice, happily referenced Pemberly but needed to be reminded who owned it #negativepopculturepoints #economicsfest
- @FestivalofIdeas Great discussion tonight on Who 0wns UK by, Hill, Bell and Rowling. Subject of inequality should get you mad, stats r fact pic.twitter.com/HCFZnLra6R
- Good session at Bristol @FestivalofIdeas #economicsfest on wealth inequality with @TorstenBell, @KarenRowlingson and John Hill. pic.twitter.com/q6yOBUhJyL
- Why financial inequality can’t simply be blamed on older people hoarding wealth, @KarenRowlingson #economicsfest https://theconversation.com/why-financial-inequality-cant-simply-be-blamed-on-older-people-hoarding-their-wealth-85508 …
- The only female panellist keeps putting herself down while the male ones talk well over time - lean in girl #economicsfest
- Ten reasons why people should pay inheritance tax, @KarenRowlingson @TEDx, #economicsfest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gco5B_9DKFk …
- Given how much time we're spending talking about housing here at #economicsfest, can't help thinking @ACORN_Bristol ought to be here
- @TorstenBell calling to arms for vocational education, as the catastrophic problem for inequality in Britain. #economicsfest
- Replace taxes on dividends, capital gains & inheritance with a tax on wealth, @farmerrf #economicsfest http://www.rogerfarmer.com/rogerfarmerblog/2017/11/12/tax-reform-a-proposal-for-the-chancellor …
- First mention of the environmental agenda and sustainable growth in the last minute of the talk on wealth #economicsfest
- Nice to hear today from @TorstenBell about how big issue is wealth #inequality and that we need to start discussing how to solve it. #economicsfest