Treasury workshop on economics curriculum reform
Tweets from the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) COREecon project workshop at HM Treasury. See
- 'Teaching economics as if the last three decades had happened' - @INETeconomics workshop @hmtreasury Monday 11 Nov @inetcoreteam #COREecon
- "Teaching economics as if the last three decades had happened" #COREecon workshop at @hmtreasury on Monday
- Economics lecturers accused of clinging to pre-crash fallacies - @phillipinman on Michael Joffe and #COREecon event:
- Launches today: our project to reform the undergraduate syllabus #COREecon
- 'Teaching economics as if the last three decades had happened' - #COREecon workshop getting underway now @hmtreasury:
- Our #COREecon workshop this morning includes @Kaletsky @diane1859 @TimHarford @TNYJohnCassidy @martinwolf_ on future of Econ teaching
- Are economics graduates fit for purpose? Reminder of 2012 @voxeu column by @diane1859 #COREecon:
- Here is Camila Cea from Univ of Chile #COREecon
- Tim Harford now on the platform at #COREecon
- Put problems like ‘what do we do about Wonga’ in front of econ students – that’s interesting, says @TimHarford #COREecon
- Econ profession has been asleep at switch when comes to climate issues: @JulietSchor #COREecon
- We’re calling for a less abstract application with richer examples - problem - is there time to teach it? , says @TimHarford #COREecon
- Econ courses need to teach skills about how to communicate, not just to reason, says @JulietSchor #COREecon
- Follow #COREecon to see good debate about economics theory and practice. Good reading ahead of #economicsfest next week.
- #COREecon @TimHarford : Difficult to incorporate evol econ, behav econ insights into curriculum because grab bag, no overarching framework
- Audience for my panel at #COREecon
- RT @diane1859: Audience for my panel at #COREecon - What's the collective noun - an opinion of economists?
- “@ruskin147: RT @diane1859: Audience at #COREecon What's the collective noun - an opinion of economists?” A discord?
- #COREecon @TNYJohnCassidy quotes Paul Samuelson "Funeral by funeral, economics does make progress”
- #COREecon @TNYJohnCassidy : Problem in econ not just mistaken theorising, also hubris, some really believed macro problems solved
- #COREecon @TNYJohnCassidy : Need for models which admit the possibility of extended periods of stagnation
- #COREecon @TNYJohnCassidy : Teaching the models required to undergraduates is challenging but they need to know these issues exist
- John Cassidy: The three ‘H’s - history, hubris, and humility #COREecon
- #COREecon @TNYJohnCassidy : We need to rename 'market failure' to emphasise its imptce, its study counts as 'reality based economics'
- #COREecon @TNYJohnCassidy : Closing thoughts — perhaps econ too complex for agg models, perhaps gen Goodhart's Law afflicts all econ policy
- #COREecon @martinwolf_ : Standard ug texts, even advanced textxts, paint entirely misleading picture of credit, money and banking
- #COREecon @martinwolf_ : Banking institutions create credit, purchasing power, debt ex nihilo through lending
- #COREecon @martinwolf_ : Credit and debt main factors determining fragility of economy and vulnerability to crisis
- #COREecon @martinwolf_ : None of this captured adequately by models of barter economies in which credit and money are simply veils
- Economics over past 30 years - @TNYJohnCassidy on history, hubris and humility #COREecon:
- The strange amnesia of modern macroeconomics - @martinwolf_ on bringing back banking, credit+money #COREecon:
- A new economics curriculum - #COREecon project to reform the undergraduate syllabus:
- Wendy Carlin: @inetcoreteam has goal to stand up in less than a year with a new econ course. Need to move on from good ideas #COREecon
- Great @USydneyEcon is part of this initiative “@econromesh: - #COREecon project to reform undergrad syllabus: ”
- Rajiv Sethi says #COREecon is innovative both in content and in process
- #COREecon @rajivatbarnard : Students need to understand price discovery process as much as to understand equilibrium
- #COREecon @rajivatbarnard : Internal conflicts make firms much more interesting than just a 'cost function facing a demand curve'
- Public debate in India inspiring, but economics often taught by rote, says @econarjun #COREecon
- 'Rocking horse economics' - flavour of Andy Haldane @bankofengland remarks at #COREecon: …
- Sam Bowles: intro econ need not endorse a particular normative view, but it should teach concept of justice #COREecon
- Publishing+evaluation incentives deter economists from addressing big questions - John Hudson @voxeu #COREecon: …
- Sam Bowles is closing the #COREecon launch meeting:
- #COREecon Carlin: The problem is not in econ research, it is the inertia that prevents developments entering the curriculum
- @inetcoreteam #COREecon looks interesting - will any materials be ready for next term (January)?
- @diane1859 Framing #economy within #environment & #ecosystems, valuing non-monetary values essential for sustainability in #COREecon
- @inetcoreteam plan to roll out new economics undergraduate curriculum in 2015. Includes econ history, role of finance p=89