Trade, Trump and Brexit
Panel session at 2017 Festival of Economics, Bristol, chaired by Martin Sandbu
- Trade, Trump & Brexit, @swatdhingraLSE @MoniqueEbell @helene_rey @MESandbu Alan Winters @uk_tpo, #economicsfest …
- Trump, trade and Brexit - packed house for top panel on hot topic at #economicsfest
- #economicsfest time for the panel on Brexit, Trump and Trade
- Full house again for stellar panel on ‘Trump, trade and Brexit’ @MoniqueEbell @swatdhingraLSE Alan Winters of @uk_tpo @helene_rey #economicsfest
- Another full house. Third session today in #economicsfest: Trade, Trump and Brexit. Thanks to @bw_businesswest and @RoyalEconSoc for support
- Very busy room and top panel to discuss 'Trade, Trump & Brexit' here at Bristol #economicsfest event part of .@FestivalofIdeas 2017 @bw_businesswest @BW_Initiative @ace_national @BristolUni @UWEBristol @BristolCouncil @investbrisbath @VisitBristol @Richbonner
- So, will hard Brexit 'turbo-charge' our economy? @MoniqueEbell @NIESRorg, #economicsfest …
- On trade, @swatdhingraLSE takes it back to Ricardo, and the need to share gains from trade #economicsfest
- Chair @MESandbu points out (citing @AdamPosen) that pulling out of trade deals also causes losses and gains (especially losses) #economicsfest
- #economicsfest my interpretation: if Trump supporters want those blue collar jobs back, they should be deporting machines, not Mexicans
- Technological change is a brutal force, not to mention financial crisis and austerity - not clear we should be blaming globalisation, @helene_rey argues #economicsfest
- Don’t blame globalisation for effects of tech on employment says @swatdhingraLSE at #economicsfest trade panel
- Great to see such a diverse panel on Trade, Trump and Brexit #economicsfest
- Post-Brexit UK trade policy: still just a wish list, @swatdhingraLSE @UKandEU #economicsfest #BrexitDamage …
- Trump’s US is all about exporting - not at all about importing from UK, says Alan Winters @uk_tpo #economicsfest
- The fundamental factors behind the Brexit vote. @voxeu, #economicsfest …
- Will any in the #economicsfest audience challenge the panel’s general gloom on protectionism? @MESandbu asks panellists to come up with positive actions
- Brexit was a cry of financial pain and not the influence of the old, @voxeu #economicsfest …
- Stop ‘tax optimisation’ by multinationals is @helene_rey’s prescription #economicsfest
- Alan Winters from @uk_tpo says it’s easy for UK to get a trade deal with USA - “you just open your wallet and say how much do you want” #economicsfest
- There’s no shortage of ideas to help the economy but who has the political will to implement them? asks @swatdhingraLSE #economicsfest
- Every country gets a couple of things chronically wrong, and it’s housing in the UK, says @MoniqueEbell #economicsfest
- #economicsfest Yep 100% agree - UK crippled by insane tax policies instituted by economically-illiterate chancellors pandering to the old
- The impact of different post-Brexit trading policies on the cost of living, Alan Winters et al @uk_tpo, #economicsfest …
- #Economicsfest @MESandbu says he’s glad questions have got straight on to regulation because politicians only talk about the lesser issue of tariffs
- Political debate is all about tariffs. But regulations are not often talked about, and actually are far more important when selling services, as UK does @MESandbu #economicsfest
- Migrants are incredibly efficient at going to where there the economy is growing and wages are rising. #economicsfest
- Left behind: can anyone save the towns the economy forgot? @sarahoconnor_ #economicsfest …
- Another shout-out for Ricardo in his 200th anniversary year #economicsfest
- #economicsfest the mobility of labour is not evenly distributed: someone from Krakow will move to Reading for a job, someone from Middlesbrough won’t. What policies will change this?
- "Without a successful redistribution method, you can't even argue that trade is good for your country" @swatdhingraLSE #economicsfest
- Now @MoniqueEbell on the Brexit threat to filming Game of Thrones in N Ireland #economicsfest
- Economics field has decided Brexit is a self-inflicted wound - should there be less democracy to stop us from doing it again? #economicsfest
- Negotiating Britain’s new trade policy, Alan Winters @voxeu, #economicsfest …
- Folks who run economics/tech panels - what do you notice about this one? #economicsfest #diversity #notsohard
- Brexit wasn't a failure of democracy; it was a failure of debate @swatdhingraLSE #economicsfest
- Are there financial risks to staying in the European Union? #economicsfest
- “We’ve had commissions for 10 years on Heathrow expansion, yet we decided to leave EU in a day and without information” @FestivalofIdeas
- 'A Brexit referendum without sufficient information and time not a good formula!' says Alan Winter Bristol #economicsfest 2017
- #economicsfest FT version of my point “why can’t you move from Blackpool?” …
- Brexit will harm horticulture, higher ed, finance, says Alan Winters. @helene_rey adds UK risks, soon, losing whole supply chains #economicsfest
- Salvaging Brexit: @swatdhingraLSE on the right way to leave the EU @ForeignAffairs, #economicsfest …
- Not compared with the risks associated with Brexit, according to our panel.... #economicsfest
- Local economic effects of Brexit, @swatdhingraLSE & colleagues, #economicsfest …
- At the Bristol #economicsfest - Trade, Trump and Brexit.
- Questioner introduces himself as an ex-economist - I don think we allow that, do we? #economicsfest
- @DianeCoyle1859 Recovering economist, perhaps? #economicsfest
- #economicsfest How do we judge brexit in a 30 year perspective ? @FestivalofIdeas
- #economicsfest last question - will govt water down labour laws after Brexit? But the previous session was Jean Tricole explaining that these laws make workers worse off wasn’t it?
- #Economicsfest I’d ask the panel for wider perspective. Brexit will inevitably lead to Wexit (Wessex Exit from UK) if we continue this outdated system of letting _everyone_ vote.
- #economicsfest continents are not the unit to consider - I agree with the #WEF that the future of economic strategy is cities