- Looking forward to listening to Michael Lewis discuss behavioural economics at @BristolUni tonight with @FestivalofIdeas. #Economicsfest pic.twitter.com/CprjFISnwb pic.twitter.com/CprjFISnwb pic.twitter.com/CprjFISnwb
- Tonight 13 November: Michael Lewis on behavioural economics http://www.ideasfestival.co.uk/events/michael-lewis/ … Last tickets available. #economicsfest
- How Daniel Kahneman & Amos Tversky laid the foundations of behavioural economics, @TimHarford #economicsfest https://www.ft.com/content/a7bc7000-be2f-11e6-8b45-b8b81dd5d080 …
- Not been in this room for 18 years when I sat an economics final, ironically. @FestivalofIdeas #economicsfest pic.twitter.com/XxNSTYLkgU
- Michael Lewis: “when I’m working on a book I really don’t want to talk about it; otherwise you talk it out and never get to write it” #economicsfest #writingtips @FestivalofIdeas pic.twitter.com/eLfWMIvSyU
- Lewis: “Kahneman’s superpower is doubt”. He spent $5,000 in commissioning 3 hatchet job reviews of the book that ended up being “Thinking fast and slow” just to confirm his own views about how bad it was... “Not many Nobel prizes do that” #understatementoftheyear #economicsfest
- Lewis: “Amos Tversky’s heuristic was ‘I am right’ & he could get away with it because he knew so much about so many things”. The Tversky intelligence test consisted in seeing how long it took someone 2 realise Amos was smarter: the longer it took, the dumber you’re #economicsfest
- The two friends who changed how we think about how we think, Michael Lewis book reviewed @NewYorker, #economicsfest https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/the-two-friends-who-changed-how-we-think-about-how-we-think …
- Michael Lewis is a great storyteller. Enjoying his character studies of Kahneman and Tversky @FestivalofIdeas tonight. #economicsfest
- Lewis: the real genius of what Kahneman and Tversky did was devising such clever experiments to test their ideas about people’s errors in judgement and decision-making #economicsfest #BehavioralEconomics
- Lewis: Thaler had a collection of insights of “stupid things people do”, but no theory for it. Kahneman & Tversky’s ideas of systematic error gave him the intellectual platform on which to grow #behavioraleconomics #economicsfest
- At the Michael Lewis #economicsfest talk on behavioural economics pic.twitter.com/cRMbKsPLcA
- Behavioural economics smuggles cognitive psychology into policy #economicsfest
- Lewis: “behavioural economics smuggles cognitive insight into public policy ... it has legitimised psychological research more than it has changed economics” #economicsfest
- Great (and scary) insight on #Trump and his future prospects by Michael Lewis. Don’t miss his @VanityFair series on what “the Trump administration does not know that could kill us”, as he put it to #economicsfest https://www.vanityfair.com/contributor/michael-lewis …
- Brilliantly engaging talk by Michael Lewis @FestivalofIdeas #economicsfest today. Couldn’t recommend his book on Kahneman & Tversky more wholeheartedly! pic.twitter.com/5dzgXapaGP
- How 2 trailblazing psychologists turned decision science upside down, Michael Lewis @VanityFair, #economicsfest https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/11/decision-science-daniel-kahneman-amos-tversky …
- "Behavioural economics smuggles cognitive psychology into policy." Nice soundbite from Lewis to wrap up his @FestivalofIdeas talk. #economicsfest #behavioraleconomics
- Fascinating #economicsfest @FestivalofIdeas talk with Michael Lewis this evening. Can't wait to finish the Undoing Project now!
- @FestivalofIdeas @michaellewis Fascinating talk tonight from Michael Lewis to a packed Great Hall. pic.twitter.com/NWM20NicFX