Economics for the Common Good
Speech by Nobel Laureate Jean Tirole at the 2017 Festival of Economics, Bristol, hosted by Chris Giles
- Two absolute groaners from @ChrisGiles_ to kick off this #economicsfest session with Jean Tirole. Top stuff.
- #economicsfest is well good.
- WATCH: Jean Tirole (now speaking at #economicsfest) on the Economics of Ethics
- #economicsfest how the world works and how to make the world a better place - better than the A level definition
- Delighted to be supporting Jean Tirole’s talk on ethics at @FestivalofIdeas #economicsfest
- Best place for kids to learn Economics is World of Warcraft cc #economicsfest …
- Moving on to two sided markets, @ChrisGiles_ is asking @JeanTirole about the news business, among others #economicsfest
- Jean Tirole, Nobel laureate & global authority on the economics of regulation, @BenChu_ #economicsfest …
- I've been to 4 economics talks so far this week and not a single PowerPoint slide. Which is nice. #economicsfest
- #economicsfest Jean Tirole explaining why comparison sites do not lead to lower prices …
- Why isn’t the best price guarantee on platforms like Booking good for consumers? Because fee to be on the platform is spread among *all* customers no matter how they book - @JeanTirole explains #economicsfest
- Two-sided markets pose a big problem for anti-trust authorities - Uber, etc. risk getting monopolies on buyers and sellers @JeanTirole at #economicsfest
- Will Brexit be bad for our trade? @JeanTirole starts with the non-tariff barriers, and ends ‘Good Luck!’ #economicsfest
- #brexit will lead to lower purchasing power and greater monopoly power in UK, says Nobel prize winner @ #economicsfest
- #economicsfest speaker is pro-EU. Such a shame. Doesn't understand liberation of Global Britain.
- @FestivalofIdeas Please stop putting on such interesting talks-I need to do some work! (J Tirole, Nobel Prize Winner)
- #economicsfest Jean Tirole ~”it’s not your fault if you are born with wrong genes” (by the way, he’s totally right about applying CGT to houses)
- Tirole cites classic case of non-tariff barrier put up by France pre-EU. Now UK will face these again post-#brexit. Good luck with the negotiations, he says. @ChrisGiles_ says thanks... #economicsfest
- The generation born in the 1950s should have taken better care of the future, says @JeanTirole #economicsfest (I agree!)
- "France has wonderful education for the top 20%, but awful education for the bottom 80%" - @JeanTirole on the dangers of inequality #economicsfest
- An economist’s guide to the real world, @MESandbu reviews Jean Tirole's new book, #economicsfest #EconomicsNobel …
- How should economists talk about inequality - are the benefits from high house prices to do with personal buying and selling skills or just luck? @econcomms @FestivalofIdeas #economicsfest
- #economicsfest. So much emphasis on inequality. This is not a problem, only poverty. Focus on what others earn is envious.
- #economicsfest We need more international tax cooperation as we do in managing climate change. However hard.
- "One of the dangers of Nobel Prize Syndrome is having an opinion on every economic issue, and even on issues outside of economics" - @JeanTirole #economicsfest
- .@ChrisGiles_ doing great job of livening up session with rather grey Tirole delivery #economicsfest
- "Most times people lose their jobs are not their faults, so we need generous unemployment insurance with some restrictions and retraining" @JeanTirole at #economicsfest
- France needs a new social contract - protect the worker not the job, or there won’t be jobs any more, says @JeanTirole #economicsfest
- "The north and east of France are not doing well, and we're seeing them turn to Le Pen - if you don't take care of the losers from globalisation, you get completely crazy politics" @JeanTirole #economicsfest
- "Do you think the US is heading towards crazy politics?" - @ChrisGiles_ "I explain in my book why I don't want to get into politics... but there's a limit to that" - @JeanTirole #economicsfest
- Jean Tirole could’ve succumbed to Nobel-prize-induced grandeur; instead he humbly defends his discipline, #economicsfest …
- .@JeanTirole highlights the impact of effective communication... for good or bad @econcomms @FestivalofIdeas #economicsfest
- .@JeanTirole argues the IMF should be allowed to intervene in Venezuela #economicsfest
- #economicsfest will people learn, says Jean Tirole (hint: no)
- “Sometimes experts need to do something, because it’s getting dangerous” (J Tirole, Nobel Winner, on rise of Populism) @FestivalofIdeas
- The IMF tries to be a bad cop, but it has limited instruments to make a country more credible without hurting the poor - @JeanTirole at #economicsfest
- Greece has suffered partly because of bad policies, but also because of a lack of trust. Without trust you don't get investment - @JeanTirole at #economicsfest
- “We need solidarity, universal coverage and worker protection (not job protection)” - J Tirole, #economicsfest @FestivalofIdeas
- The Germans are "right and wrong" - you can't kickstart the economy with 100% debt, but you can't run policies that will just return Greece back to square one - @JeanTirole at #economicsfest
- Moral reasoning, markets & organisations - #EconomicsNobel laureate Jean Tirole @lindaunobel lecture, #economicsfest …
- "Undo Brexit" - @JeanTirole, 2017 (followed up with a very humble acknowledgement that it's far too easy to step into another country and tell them what to do) #economicsfest
- The impact of tech change on the jobs market is going to be very severe says @JeanTirole #economicsfest
- "Why is it that northern Italy subsidises the south? Why does west Germany subsidise the east?" Shared culture matters for encouraging people to be generous (which isn't necessarily a good thing) - @JeanTirole #economicsfest
- Why do we behave differently from our self-interest? Jean Tirole interviewed on economics of ethics @voxeu, #economicsfest …