Developments in Economics Education conference 2015

The Economics Network's conference was hosted by the Business School at the University of Birmingham on the 10th and 11th September.

  1. Just a few days remaining to register for this year's DEE conference! #dee2015 Visit our website to book your place! 
  2. Why does #Corbynomics confuse the neoliberal economist? (Adapted from our paper for #DEE2015)
    Why does #Corbynomics confuse the neoliberal economist? (Adapted from our paper for #DEE2015)
  3. @economics_net #DEE2015 Publishing in Economics Education with all four IREE editors Thursday 2015-09-1015:00 G05 University House
  4. The eighth DEE conference is underway at Birmingham Business School! #dee2015
    The eighth DEE conference is underway at Birmingham Business School! #dee2015
  5. #dee2015 I thought this document timely with PMiddleditch talk on Teaching with Twitter 
  6. @EconUCL @economics_net Sharing views on teaching economics at #dee2015. A promising time for economics education!
    @EconUCL @economics_net Sharing views on teaching economics at #dee2015. A promising time for economics education!
  7. Important result from GSMLondon for our students: attendance at classes improves performance, even when controlling for ability #DEE2015
  8. Attending DEE Economics Education conference in England. Learning a lot! #DEE2015
  9. .@PaulM_Mac3A14 is now starting a workshop on "Teaching with Twitter" at #dee2015
  10. Some of us have laptops, some phones, some tablets, can all respond to @PaulM_Mac3A14 's questions and send anonymous feedback #dee2015
  11. Having a channel for anonymous msgs to lecturers gives the students some feeling of control over the lecture says @PaulM_Mac3A14 #dee2015
  12. The 140-char constraint of Twitter is actually an advantage: questions & answers much more focused than email. #dee2015
  13. When students interacted w/lecturers via Twitter they innovated: tweeting images of their work in progress; learning from peers #dee2015
  14. What about students who are not on Twitter? You can embed the Twitter discussion in course web site so they can see qns & answrs. #dee2015
  15. Some interesting and thought-provoking papers in relation to analysing the impact of formative assessment #dee2015
  16. Earlier presented (well, Linh did) on online materials: bane or benefit? The answer? It depends, of course! Learning styles crucial #dee2015
  17. I always thought learning was about being about to think, criticise, be independent, etc., not just performance on MCQs. How naive #dee2015
  18. Gathering to hear #dee2015 keynote from Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor of @TheEconomist
  19. Franklin: Economists should focus less on theory, more on evidence: "mathy" beauty of theories has distracted from "messy" truth. #dee2015
  20. Now at #dee2015 Daniel Franklin (@TheEconomist ) appeals for more humble, realistic economics... @rethinkecon @ReteachEcon
  21. #dee2015 "if only economists could be humble, competent people, like dentists" - Daniel Franklin, The Economist
    #dee2015 "if only economists could be humble, competent people, like dentists" - Daniel Franklin, The Economist
  22. Franklin: Some of the most interesting work in economics is in overlaps w other disciplines. University economists ideally placed. #dee2015
  23. Daniel Franklin @TheEconomist: to improve the dismal science 'speak plain English, drop mathiness, be more humble, use evidence...' #dee2015
  24. Franklin: lack of reliable data abt Africa & China means huge gaps in our knowledge, like trying to fly a 747 without instruments #dee2015
  25. Great to hear Daniel Franklin suggest that economics needs to be more focused on real world evidence; less on math. #dee2015 @economics_net
  26. Daniel Franklin; the content and the order of economics teaching should be changed! Introduce complexities earlier? #dee2015
  27. More emphasis needed on the teaching of economic history - Daniel Franklin at #dee2015
    More emphasis needed on the teaching of economic history - Daniel Franklin at #dee2015
  28. Can't say I'm sad to hear Daniel Franklin appeal for more history of thought and economic thought in economics teaching #dee2015
  29. Daniel Franklin (@TheEconomist) bemoans lack of change in econ teaching post-crisis. I'm (et al...) talking on this tomorrow at #dee2015
  30. Franklin @TheEconomist: GDP is flawed measure, use alternative data, teach econ history, be adaptable, link teaching to real world #dee2015
  31. Daniel Franklin: economics teaching needs introduce students to "messy" bits not just "mathy" bits #dee2015
  32. @DanielFranklin5: Economists should be more open to the idea that there are benefits to be had from other disciplines @economics_net @uw_wbs
  33. Dean Garratt & Stephen Heasell discuss employers' expectations of econ grads, using EN's employer survey  #dee2015
  34. Now at #dee2015 Damian Whittard of @UWEBristol reflecting on the 'one minute paper'
  35. "There has been nothing changed under the sun, other than the words and technology since Socrates". Ross Guest, #dee2015
  36. Mike Reynolds introduced Blackboard wiki assignments to a module to promote collaboration, writing, IT & other employable skills #dee2015
  37. .@DrMikeyReynolds teaches economic history to students some of whom didn't know who Margaret Thatcher was. I suddenly feel very old #dee2015
  38. Interesting paper by @DuncanLWatson et al on confidence and self-assessment by students #dee2015 They cite this: 
  39. Reynolds: essential that wiki is embedded, not just an optional extra. His students have to contribute to the wiki every week. #dee2015
  40. Peer learning workshops popular according to @DuncanLWatson et al. Mimicking A level? #dee2015
  41. Now at #dee2015 a truly international session: perspectives from Norway and the USA on teaching monetary policy.
  42. @uw_wbs Change in fees hasn't changed student attitude or behaviour says Bath Spa University #HE #fees
  43. Congratulations to my colleague Peter Backus @Awesomnomics, @ManUniEconomics for his best new lecturer award, well deserved #dee2015
  44. RT @ralffbecker: Congratulations to my colleague Peter Backus @Awesomnomics, @ManUniEconomics for his best new lecturer award, #dee2015
  45. Perhaps the high point of #dee2015: @mlpoulter meets Kate Bush meets Michael Jackson meets Paul McCartney meets the island of Bahrain
  46. Delighted to announce Peter Backus @Awesomnomics as the @economics_net 2015 Best New Lecturer Award winner #DEE2015
  47. Day two #dee2015 looking forward to the session on Curriculum Structure, Content and Reform, especially the presentation by @DuncanLWatson
  48. 1/3 Great ManUni turnout at Developments in Economic Education Conference, Adam, Dan, Peter, Paul and Ralf #DEE2015.
  49. 2/3 None of the five Manchester economists was in the winning quiz team at #DEE2015
  50. Lovely weather for second day of #dee2015 . Sessions have just started on plagiarism, assessment, and pre-university study.
  51. Carlos Cortinhas warns us to pay attention to the options on Turnitin - can make massive difference to plagiarism score. #dee2015
  52. Cortinhas' tips for discouraging plagiarism: individualise questions & assignments; request mention of specific events/ sources. #dee2015
  53. Avoiding plagiarism: require students to submit proposals or oral presentations of work in progress; could do in peer groups. #dee2015
  54. Avoiding plagiarism: writing assignments such as report, policy brief, press briefing rather than essay. Also in-class short essays #dee2015
  55. On university application forms, "I have always had a passion for [SUBJECT]" is a heavily, heavily overused phrase. #dee2015
  56. Now Dan Rigby talks abt Contract Cheating sites that supply students bespoke essays- even using auction to match buyers & writers. #dee2015
  57. Rigby: Contract Cheating is great example of a market for lemons: majority are just scams that take money & give useless essays #dee2015
  58. Rigby: student willingness to "buy" an essay is affected by their personal risk preference and there is a first-language effect. #dee2015
  59. Provocative suggestion from Rigby: end anonymous marking. It has benefits, but hides plagiarism which is a bigger problem. #dee2015
  60. Collaboration and peer learning on student research skills by the teachers #dee2015 @economics_net @EconUCL
    Collaboration and peer learning on student research skills by the teachers #dee2015 @economics_net @EconUCL
  61. @economics_net: Sharing experiences on developing students' skills with the @CTaLE_UCL team at #dee2015
  62. Presenting on 3 headed economists and curriculum reform #dee2015
  63. Now following up with @DuncanLWatson on the openness or not of applied economics in the UK #dee2015
  64. Now at #dee2015. @CTaLE_UCL @spielmanntweets explaining multimedia assignment used to put in to practice CORE inUCL 
  65. Valerie Dickie now speaking at #dee2015 about an idea inspired by a past DEE conf: using technology to help students feel part of community.
  66. Dickie: the virtual learning environment has social networking features, but it's easier & more immediate/ reliable to use Facebook #dee2015
  67. Nice tip for if you have fewer clickers than students: distribute them to pairs so that they have to talk. Change pairs half time. #dee2015
  68. Now at #dee2015: @guglielmovolpe on loss aversion as an incentive to study. Nice to see teaching process shaped by behavioural econ insights
  69. Volpe: loss framing (marks presented as drop from maximum possible) surprisingly small effect & only affected in-class tests #dee2015
  70. Volpe: Other behavioural effects might be more powerful: social comparison; hyperbolic discounting in allocation of time. #dee2015
  71. Management of students' evaluation of feedback depends on the management of expectations and identification of feedback! #dee2015
  72. Next at #dee2015 Paul Johnson of @TheIFS (also an Economics Network Patron) gives closing keynote, "Funding education in the 21st century"
  73. Johnson talking through some figures from @TheIFS report "Estimating the public cost of student loans"  #dee2015
  74. Post 07/2015 budget,student cash in pocket increases,debt increases more for students from poorer families  #dee2015
    Post 07/2015 budget,student cash in pocket increases,debt increases more for students from poorer families #dee2015
  75. Whilst students loan company data could calculate the returns to higher education from different courses and universities.... #dee2015
  76. @StevenProud3 ... Publishing this sort of information that might be helpful to students making choices of courses is illegal! #dee2015
  77. Hartos papers interesantes en la conferencia developments in economics education #dee2015 
  78. Johnson highlights interest on student loans as a confusing aspect of funding system: you'd need economics degree to understand it #dee2015
  79. Johnson: detailed data on graduate earnings- per course & institution- exist. Would be helpful for students but illegal to publish! #dee2015
  80. RT @economics_net: Delighted to announce Peter Backus @Awesomnomics as the @economics_net 2015 Best New Lecturer Award winner #DEE2015
  81. Thanks to everyone who came to the #dee2015 conference! See you in 2017!
    Thanks to everyone who came to the #dee2015 conference! See you in 2017!