Developments in Economics Education conference 2015
The Economics Network's conference was hosted by the Business School at the University of Birmingham on the 10th and 11th September.
- Just a few days remaining to register for this year's DEE conference! #dee2015 Visit our website to book your place!
- Why does #Corbynomics confuse the neoliberal economist? (Adapted from our paper for #DEE2015)
- @economics_net #DEE2015 Publishing in Economics Education with all four IREE editors Thursday 2015-09-1015:00 G05 University House
- Final day of #altc 2015 BUT the 1st day of #dee2015 with @economics_net > Meet an Author of..
- The eighth DEE conference is underway at Birmingham Business School! #dee2015
- RT … The eighth DEE conference is underway at Birmingham Business School! #dee2015 #BryanZw…
- Great evening last night at the #dee2015 welcome reception, sponsored by @OUPEconomics
- #dee2015 I thought this document timely with PMiddleditch talk on Teaching with Twitter …
- @EconUCL @economics_net Sharing views on teaching economics at #dee2015. A promising time for economics education!
- Karen Kufuor explaining Westminster's TRIBE (Teaching Resource in Business & Economics) at #dee2015 …
- .@PaulM_Mac3A14 is now starting a workshop on "Teaching with Twitter" at #dee2015
- We're learning about ResponseWare at #dee2015: here's the provider's page …
- Some of us have laptops, some phones, some tablets, can all respond to @PaulM_Mac3A14 's questions and send anonymous feedback #dee2015
- Having a channel for anonymous msgs to lecturers gives the students some feeling of control over the lecture says @PaulM_Mac3A14 #dee2015
- @uw_wbs Just finished my presentation #TRIBE @economics_net #DEE
- @economics_net I'm enjoying the interactive session! #dee2015
- @uw_wbs Manchester shares good practice in teaching of #maths 2 #economics students @economics_net #DEE
- Gathering to hear #dee2015 keynote from Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor of @TheEconomist
- Now at #dee2015 Daniel Franklin (@TheEconomist ) appeals for more humble, realistic economics... @rethinkecon @ReteachEcon
- #dee2015 "if only economists could be humble, competent people, like dentists" - Daniel Franklin, The Economist
- Daniel Franklin @TheEconomist: to improve the dismal science 'speak plain English, drop mathiness, be more humble, use evidence...' #dee2015
- Great to hear Daniel Franklin suggest that economics needs to be more focused on real world evidence; less on math. #dee2015 @economics_net
- More emphasis needed on the teaching of economic history - Daniel Franklin at #dee2015
- Daniel Franklin (@TheEconomist) bemoans lack of change in econ teaching post-crisis. I'm (et al...) talking on this tomorrow at #dee2015
- Franklin @TheEconomist: GDP is flawed measure, use alternative data, teach econ history, be adaptable, link teaching to real world #dee2015
- @DanielFranklin5: Economists must use plain English 2 impact govt policy #DEE @economics_net @uw_wbs @TheEconomist
- @DanielFranklin5: Economists should be more open to the idea that there are benefits to be had from other disciplines @economics_net @uw_wbs
- Dean Garratt & Stephen Heasell discuss employers' expectations of econ grads, using EN's employer survey … #dee2015
- Now at #dee2015 Damian Whittard of @UWEBristol reflecting on the 'one minute paper'
- .@DrMikeyReynolds teaches economic history to students some of whom didn't know who Margaret Thatcher was. I suddenly feel very old #dee2015
- Interesting paper by @DuncanLWatson et al on confidence and self-assessment by students #dee2015 They cite this: …
- .@DrMikeyReynolds recommends this Uni of Southampton guide to creating Blackboard wikis … #dee2015
- Peer learning workshops popular according to @DuncanLWatson et al. Mimicking A level? #dee2015
- Congratulations to my colleague Peter Backus @Awesomnomics, @ManUniEconomics for his best new lecturer award, well deserved #dee2015
- RT @ralffbecker: Congratulations to my colleague Peter Backus @Awesomnomics, @ManUniEconomics for his best new lecturer award, #dee2015
- Perhaps the high point of #dee2015: @mlpoulter meets Kate Bush meets Michael Jackson meets Paul McCartney meets the island of Bahrain
- Great evening at the #DEE2015 conference dinner! Ready for day two!
- Delighted to announce Peter Backus @Awesomnomics as the @economics_net 2015 Best New Lecturer Award winner #DEE2015
- Day two #dee2015 looking forward to the session on Curriculum Structure, Content and Reform, especially the presentation by @DuncanLWatson
- Great launch of @CTaLE_UCL at #dee2015. Thanks to my colleagues @ParamaChaudhury @UCLEconCareersT @Alarcos @n_vigi.
- Peter Smith (Soton) on the new Econ A level … More quants, more criticality, more history #dee2015
- @EconUCL Ready to introduce @CTaLE_UCL at #dee2015 @economics_net @UCLArena @TrabiMechanic
- @uw_wbs Phil Hedges explores the importance of assessment format @economics_net #DEE conference #economics #education
- Collaboration and peer learning on student research skills by the teachers #dee2015 @economics_net @EconUCL
- @economics_net: Sharing experiences on developing students' skills with the @CTaLE_UCL team at #dee2015
- Now following up with @DuncanLWatson on the openness or not of applied economics in the UK #dee2015
- @ParamaChaudhury explains team based learning #dee2015 @EconUCL @economics_net
- Start developing research skills early with the First Year Challenge! @spielmanntweets @EconUCL #DEE2015
- Now at #dee2015. @CTaLE_UCL @spielmanntweets explaining multimedia assignment used to put in to practice CORE inUCL
- Now at #dee2015: @guglielmovolpe on loss aversion as an incentive to study. Nice to see teaching process shaped by behavioural econ insights
- Inspiring talk by Gherardo Girardi @LondonMetUni in using #art in the teaching of #economics @economics_net #DEE
- Making the most of the September sun at #dee2015
- Team @CTaLE_UCL enjoying the sun and company at #dee2015 …
- Paul Johnson from #IFS keynote speaker @economics_net #DEE conference discusses the effects of #studentloans #debt
- Spending per student in HE #dee2015
- New #student #loan system is more progressive; those who earn more, pay back more @economics_net #graduates #loans
- Post 07/2015 budget,student cash in pocket increases,debt increases more for students from poorer families #dee2015
- @StevenProud3 ... Publishing this sort of information that might be helpful to students making choices of courses is illegal! #dee2015
- Paul Johnson from #IFS says #debt largest for poorer #students under new 2016 govt reforms @economics_net
- Hartos papers interesantes en la conferencia developments in economics education #dee2015
- RT @economics_net: Delighted to announce Peter Backus @Awesomnomics as the @economics_net 2015 Best New Lecturer Award winner #DEE2015
- Thanks to everyone who came to the #dee2015 conference! See you in 2017!