DEE 2013 conference at University of Exeter

Comments from attendees at the Economics Network's conference, Developments in Economics Education, hosted by the Business School at the University of Exeter. The official web site:

  1. The official web site for the conference includes presentation materials and photographs.
  2. Today we are out of the office & heading towards Exeter for the Economic Network's Developments in Economics Education conference #dee2013
  3. Just arrived at #dee13. Exeter's hot, the campus beautiful, and I got lost only 3 times so far.
  4. With the first #dee13 delegates, we're in Exeter about to discuss our collaborative project researching the economics student experience
  5. First full day of #dee13 about to start. This afternoon's keynote will be @JohnKayFT
  6. #dee13 economics education conf with @BradUniEcon poster on how we help students understand what #plagiarism is & how to avoid it
  7. @JaniceKay making a case for student employability as focus in HE #dee13, #BLMaties
  8. Individual vivas in Economics for masters students lead to independent learning says @PhilipHedges at #dee13. #BLMaties
  9. @CarlosCortinhas emperically answering the question: "Is formative homework a total waste of time?" #dee13 #BLMaties
  10. Note: the @CarlosCortinhas and @PhilipHedges on Twitter are not the Carlos and Philip that presented at the conference!
  11. Homework matters ... 1% increase in mark for each assignment completed! #dee13 #BLMaties
  12. First day of #dee2013 and the excellent poster by Adelina Lees and Ellie Clement is getting a lot of attention
  13. Other pedagogical gains through using mobile devices, studying students' feedback 2010-13 discovered .... @PaulMiddleditch #dee13 #BLMaties
  14. 83% - 93% of students say in class response system increases satisfaction in course. @PaulMiddleditch @WillMoindrot #dee13 #blmaties
  15. @CarlosCortinhas found that using videos in group work assignments increased participation by all.#dee13 #blmaties
  16. Conversion of technology in teaching happening ... real #blendedlearning! #dee13 #blmaties
  17. Having student e-learning champions enable facilitation of blended learning in courses #dee13 #blmaties
  18. #DEE13 truly international, with delegates from Germany, US, Australia, South Africa, Ireland, New Zealand, Grenada, Netherlands &more
  19. Lunch at #dee13 blessed with fine sunny weather and good catering.
  20. David Wheat (Uni of Bergen) reports that link from Economics Network site to his MacroLab site prompted "a *lot* of contacts" #dee13
  21. MacroLab = a systems dynamic economic model; incorporates feedback loops, makes causal relations explicit.  #dee13
  22. David Wheat describes benefits of internat'l collab'n: research dissemination, intellectual stimulation but also trips to the ballet #dee13
  23. Wheat describes adapting his causal model to Ukraine's economy, setting out large scale model & setting grad students on sub-models #dee13
  24. Jan Höffler (Uni of Göttingen) talking about importance of replication to all scientific inquiry, not least economics. #dee13
  25. Höffler: even some top Economics journals do not publish replications or publish data/code that would enable replications. #dee13
  26. Höffler: How to motivate replications in empirical economics & teach research skills? Get students to attempt replication! #dee13
  27. 83% - 93% of students say in class response system increases satisfaction in course. @PaulMiddleditch @WillMoindrot #dee13 #blmaties
  28. @AndreasLeining developed a School of Entrepreneurship for all students; to take responsibility & be truely "gebilded" #dee13
  29. Now Jacky Mallett from Uni of Rejkyavik talking about Threadneedle: a simulation of the behaviour of banking systems #dee13
  30. Jacky Mallett: 19th century had detailed banking manuals. Now no detailed docs for how the banking system works. #dee13
  31. Mallett: lack of modern banking manuals meant that researching bank behaviour involved interviewing senior staff. #dee13
  32. Mallett: Threadneedle bank simulation will be open sourced Spring2014. Java, so multi-platform. Create your own toxic bank! #dee13
  33. Interesting session on Widening Participation in Economics and some more research questions to take home and think about. #dee13
  34. Excellent session on Feedback at the Economics Network conference. Many thanks to those attending my talk for their useful comments! #dee13
  35. @andmearman: Pluralist case-based realistic evaluation of econ teaching. Forthcoming in IREE and just done by me at #dee13
  36. Excellent critique of microfoundations of macroeconomics at thought provoking lecture by John Kay at #dee13
  37. Much #dee13 enthusiasm about @JohnKayFT 's understated critique of fetishism in econ models. Urged "right tool for the job" approach.
  38. Really enjoyed presenting work on lecture interaction at the DEE conference and using the amazing facilities at Exeter University. #dee13
  39. Our table (No 2, by the door), got a truly impressive zéro points at the pub quiz. All warm and fuzzy inside. #dee13
  40. @economics_net: Mallett: Threadneedle bank simulation will be open sourced Spring2014. Java, so multi-platform. Create your own toxic bank!
  41. @economics_net: MacroLab a systems dynamic economic model; feedback loops make causal relations explicit.  #dee13
  42. Last night we presented teaching awards ("the Oscars of Economics education"), now soon to have keynote from @OrmerodPaul #dee13
  43. Looking forward to session on reform of macro. Linea Mortis? #dee13
  44. Find out about publishing your research in economics education in the International Review of Economics Education this morning at #dee13
  45. Ormerod: constrained optimisation model in economics has already been used in all situations in which it is likely useful. #dee13
  46. Just realised I am a rational buyer, but affected by networks of influence. Never thought about it. Thanks, Paul Ormerod.#Dee2013
  47. "The future of macroeconomics education" - panel discussion with Peter Howells, Guiseppe Fontana & Charlie Bean at #dee13 #Economics
  48. Charlie Bean said he would redesign a macroeconomics course along case studies instead of a linear approach to teaching it. #dee13
  49. Economic History or History of Economic Thought? Like both, but if I have to choose one to teach, I would go for the latter. #dee13
  50. Had a great time presenting at DEE conference @economics_net! Thanks to everyone who attended my workshop and played #EconoFun
  51. A recurring theme of #dee13 is grand narratives: unifying as way to accessibility versus obscuring diversity & deeper understanding
  52. My co-author Duncan Watson is praising and then criticising Pluralism in Economics. A little disagreement doesn't go a miss. #dee13
  53. Many thanks to organisers for fab event, great venue and excellent keynotes and sessions. Always a good conference! #dee13
  54. Last parallel session at the #dee13 Great couple of days.
  55. Currently participating in a bank run simulation/experiment at the #dee13
  56. #dee13 has 1 MAJOR fault: only every other year. Should be annually. Better, monthly. Missing the ppl already. Big thanks to @economics_net
  57. On my train to Norwich. Thank you all for a great conference! #dee13