WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:09.320 --> 00:00:11.510 align:start position:0% not<00:00:10.320> all<00:00:10.500> countries<00:00:10.770> have<00:00:11.160> the<00:00:11.280> same 00:00:11.510 --> 00:00:11.520 align:start position:0% not all countries have the same 00:00:11.520 --> 00:00:14.359 align:start position:0% not all countries have the same political<00:00:11.910> structure<00:00:12.719> of<00:00:13.190> democracy<00:00:14.190> that 00:00:14.359 --> 00:00:14.369 align:start position:0% political structure of democracy that 00:00:14.369 --> 00:00:17.929 align:start position:0% political structure of democracy that the<00:00:14.430> UK<00:00:15.029> has<00:00:15.560> the<00:00:16.560> Joseph<00:00:17.039> Stalin<00:00:17.519> once<00:00:17.730> said 00:00:17.929 --> 00:00:17.939 align:start position:0% the UK has the Joseph Stalin once said 00:00:17.939 --> 00:00:20.630 align:start position:0% the UK has the Joseph Stalin once said of<00:00:17.970> his<00:00:18.179> own<00:00:18.330> country<00:00:18.800> those<00:00:19.800> who<00:00:20.099> cast<00:00:20.429> the 00:00:20.630 --> 00:00:20.640 align:start position:0% of his own country those who cast the 00:00:20.640 --> 00:00:24.620 align:start position:0% of his own country those who cast the votes<00:00:21.029> decide<00:00:22.019> nothing<00:00:22.699> those<00:00:23.699> who<00:00:23.999> count<00:00:24.359> the 00:00:24.620 --> 00:00:24.630 align:start position:0% votes decide nothing those who count the 00:00:24.630 --> 00:00:28.460 align:start position:0% votes decide nothing those who count the votes<00:00:25.039> decide<00:00:26.039> everything<00:00:27.230> but<00:00:28.230> where<00:00:28.439> you 00:00:28.460 --> 00:00:28.470 align:start position:0% votes decide everything but where you 00:00:28.470 --> 00:00:31.640 align:start position:0% votes decide everything but where you have<00:00:28.800> a<00:00:28.829> genuine<00:00:29.460> political<00:00:29.970> democracy<00:00:30.650> there 00:00:31.640 --> 00:00:31.650 align:start position:0% have a genuine political democracy there 00:00:31.650 --> 00:00:33.529 align:start position:0% have a genuine political democracy there will<00:00:31.769> always<00:00:31.859> be<00:00:31.980> politicians<00:00:32.640> anxious<00:00:33.360> to 00:00:33.529 --> 00:00:33.539 align:start position:0% will always be politicians anxious to 00:00:33.539 --> 00:00:36.080 align:start position:0% will always be politicians anxious to know<00:00:33.570> what<00:00:34.020> the<00:00:34.140> electorate<00:00:34.710> thinks<00:00:35.219> so<00:00:35.940> that 00:00:36.080 --> 00:00:36.090 align:start position:0% know what the electorate thinks so that 00:00:36.090 --> 00:00:38.360 align:start position:0% know what the electorate thinks so that they<00:00:36.270> can<00:00:36.480> tailor<00:00:36.899> their<00:00:37.110> policies<00:00:37.739> to 00:00:38.360 --> 00:00:38.370 align:start position:0% they can tailor their policies to 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position:0% find a package of things people are interested<00:00:45.780> in<00:00:45.899> and<00:00:46.019> it<00:00:46.469> tends<00:00:46.710> to<00:00:46.890> be<00:00:47.100> the 00:00:47.420 --> 00:00:47.430 align:start position:0% interested in and it tends to be the 00:00:47.430 --> 00:00:49.939 align:start position:0% interested in and it tends to be the economy<00:00:47.940> it<00:00:48.059> tends<00:00:48.329> to<00:00:48.510> be<00:00:48.660> making<00:00:49.620> sure<00:00:49.649> we've 00:00:49.939 --> 00:00:49.949 align:start position:0% economy it tends to be making sure we've 00:00:49.949 --> 00:00:51.619 align:start position:0% economy it tends to be making sure we've got<00:00:49.980> a<00:00:50.190> good<00:00:50.670> health<00:00:50.910> system<00:00:51.359> a<00:00:51.420> good 00:00:51.619 --> 00:00:51.629 align:start position:0% got a good health system a good 00:00:51.629 --> 00:00:54.110 align:start position:0% got a good health system a good education<00:00:52.199> system<00:00:52.649> a<00:00:52.800> good<00:00:53.190> welfare<00:00:53.699> system 00:00:54.110 --> 00:00:54.120 align:start position:0% education system a good welfare system 00:00:54.120 --> 00:00:55.910 align:start position:0% education system a good welfare system for<00:00:54.269> people<00:00:54.570> who've<00:00:54.719> fallen<00:00:55.050> on<00:00:55.320> difficult 00:00:55.910 --> 00:00:55.920 align:start position:0% for people who've fallen on difficult 00:00:55.920 --> 00:00:58.639 align:start position:0% for people who've fallen on difficult times<00:00:56.300> good<00:00:57.300> support<00:00:57.690> for<00:00:57.809> people<00:00:58.079> who<00:00:58.230> find 00:00:58.639 --> 00:00:58.649 align:start position:0% times good support for people who find 00:00:58.649 --> 00:00:59.869 align:start position:0% times good support for people who find it<00:00:58.769> difficult<00:00:58.829> to<00:00:59.219> look<00:00:59.399> after<00:00:59.579> themselves 00:00:59.869 --> 00:00:59.879 align:start position:0% it difficult to look after themselves 00:00:59.879 --> 00:01:02.450 align:start position:0% it difficult to look after themselves perhaps<00:01:00.390> through<00:01:00.780> disability<00:01:01.050> and<00:01:01.649> a<00:01:02.129> real 00:01:02.450 --> 00:01:02.460 align:start position:0% perhaps through disability and a real 00:01:02.460 --> 00:01:04.880 align:start position:0% perhaps through disability and a real thirst<00:01:03.059> and<00:01:03.300> an<00:01:03.420> importance<00:01:04.290> attached<00:01:04.620> to 00:01:04.880 --> 00:01:04.890 align:start position:0% thirst and an importance attached to 00:01:04.890 --> 00:01:07.790 align:start position:0% thirst and an importance attached to environmental<00:01:05.520> issues<00:01:06.470> but<00:01:07.470> it's<00:01:07.590> difficult 00:01:07.790 --> 00:01:07.800 align:start position:0% environmental issues but it's difficult 00:01:07.800 --> 00:01:10.520 align:start position:0% environmental issues but it's difficult to<00:01:08.100> be<00:01:08.130> sure<00:01:08.250> what<00:01:09.150> issues<00:01:09.540> people<00:01:09.930> regard<00:01:10.320> as 00:01:10.520 --> 00:01:10.530 align:start position:0% to be sure what issues people regard as 00:01:10.530 --> 00:01:13.730 align:start position:0% to be sure what issues people regard as being<00:01:10.770> of<00:01:10.890> greatest<00:01:11.340> importance<00:01:11.490> to<00:01:12.090> you<00:01:12.740> most 00:01:13.730 --> 00:01:13.740 align:start position:0% being of greatest importance to you most 00:01:13.740 --> 00:01:18.620 align:start position:0% being of greatest importance to you most have<00:01:13.950> many<00:01:14.220> concerns<00:01:14.790> how<00:01:15.780> do<00:01:15.840> they<00:01:16.050> ring<00:01:17.630> one 00:01:18.620 --> 00:01:18.630 align:start position:0% have many concerns how do they ring one 00:01:18.630 --> 00:01:21.140 align:start position:0% have many concerns how do they ring one way<00:01:18.810> to<00:01:18.870> do<00:01:19.170> it<00:01:19.200> is<00:01:19.920> to<00:01:19.980> have<00:01:20.220> a<00:01:20.250> surveyor<00:01:20.910> to 00:01:21.140 --> 00:01:21.150 align:start position:0% way to do it is to have a surveyor to 00:01:21.150 --> 00:01:25.640 align:start position:0% way to do it is to have a surveyor to ask<00:01:21.360> people<00:01:21.830> give<00:01:22.830> them<00:01:23.040> save<00:01:23.900> ten<00:01:24.900> major 00:01:25.640 --> 00:01:25.650 align:start position:0% ask people give them save ten major 00:01:25.650 --> 00:01:29.060 align:start position:0% ask people give them save ten major concerns<00:01:26.520> and<00:01:27.000> ask<00:01:27.900> them<00:01:28.230> to<00:01:28.260> rank<00:01:28.800> those 00:01:29.060 --> 00:01:29.070 align:start position:0% concerns and ask them to rank those 00:01:29.070 --> 00:01:33.260 align:start position:0% concerns and ask them to rank those concerns<00:01:29.640> in<00:01:29.910> order<00:01:30.210> of<00:01:30.240> importance<00:01:30.870> I<00:01:32.270> just 00:01:33.260 --> 00:01:33.270 align:start position:0% concerns in order of importance I just 00:01:33.270 --> 00:01:35.600 align:start position:0% concerns in order of importance I just wanted<00:01:33.660> to<00:01:33.690> ask<00:01:33.870> if<00:01:34.470> you<00:01:34.620> can<00:01:34.800> rank<00:01:35.040> decisions 00:01:35.600 --> 00:01:35.610 align:start position:0% wanted to ask if you can rank decisions 00:01:35.610 --> 00:01:37.850 align:start position:0% wanted to ask if you can rank decisions in<00:01:35.820> order<00:01:35.910> of<00:01:36.120> importance<00:01:36.990> to<00:01:37.140> you<00:01:37.260> the 00:01:37.850 --> 00:01:37.860 align:start position:0% in order of importance to you the 00:01:37.860 --> 00:01:39.860 align:start position:0% in order of importance to you the results<00:01:38.280> are<00:01:38.370> much<00:01:38.580> as<00:01:38.760> you<00:01:38.880> might<00:01:39.060> expect<00:01:39.210> in 00:01:39.860 --> 00:01:39.870 align:start position:0% results are much as you might expect in 00:01:39.870 --> 00:01:43.430 align:start position:0% results are much as you might expect in our<00:01:40.560> survey<00:01:41.130> the<00:01:41.610> top<00:01:41.880> ten<00:01:42.150> matters<00:01:42.540> contained 00:01:43.430 --> 00:01:43.440 align:start position:0% our survey the top ten matters contained 00:01:43.440 --> 00:01:46.880 align:start position:0% our survey the top ten matters contained no<00:01:43.680> real<00:01:43.950> surprises<00:01:44.400> at<00:01:44.730> all<00:01:45.530> we<00:01:46.530> know<00:01:46.650> that<00:01:46.680> we 00:01:46.880 --> 00:01:46.890 align:start position:0% no real surprises at all we know that we 00:01:46.890 --> 00:01:48.680 align:start position:0% no real surprises at all we know that we only<00:01:47.040> need<00:01:47.310> to<00:01:47.490> interview<00:01:47.940> a<00:01:48.000> relatively 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far unfortunately 00:01:58.650 --> 00:02:00.530 align:start position:0% that only takes us so far unfortunately different<00:01:59.370> groups<00:01:59.580> within<00:01:59.880> electorates 00:02:00.530 --> 00:02:00.540 align:start position:0% different groups within electorates 00:02:00.540 --> 00:02:02.300 align:start position:0% different groups within electorates attach<00:02:00.960> different<00:02:01.170> weights<00:02:01.650> to<00:02:01.980> different 00:02:02.300 --> 00:02:02.310 align:start position:0% attach different weights to different 00:02:02.310 --> 00:02:04.940 align:start position:0% attach different weights to different issues<00:02:02.750> it's<00:02:03.750> clear<00:02:03.990> for<00:02:04.200> example<00:02:04.620> that<00:02:04.710> some 00:02:04.940 --> 00:02:04.950 align:start position:0% issues it's clear for example that some 00:02:04.950 --> 00:02:06.650 align:start position:0% issues it's clear for example that some issues<00:02:05.250> have<00:02:05.430> a<00:02:05.460> higher<00:02:05.730> priority<00:02:06.120> among 00:02:06.650 --> 00:02:06.660 align:start position:0% issues have a higher priority among 00:02:06.660 --> 00:02:09.749 align:start position:0% issues have a higher priority among young<00:02:07.020> voters<00:02:07.220> others<00:02:08.220> among<00:02:08.520> older<00:02:08.849> groups 00:02:09.749 --> 00:02:09.759 align:start position:0% young voters others among older groups 00:02:09.759 --> 00:02:12.509 align:start position:0% young voters others among older groups what<00:02:10.390> would<00:02:10.539> be<00:02:10.659> useful<00:02:10.959> to<00:02:11.349> know<00:02:11.560> is<00:02:11.830> the 00:02:12.509 --> 00:02:12.519 align:start position:0% what would be useful to know is the 00:02:12.519 --> 00:02:14.610 align:start position:0% what would be useful to know is the issues<00:02:12.909> that<00:02:13.090> each<00:02:13.569> group<00:02:13.959> regards<00:02:14.500> is 00:02:14.610 --> 00:02:14.620 align:start position:0% issues that each group regards is 00:02:14.620 --> 00:02:16.649 align:start position:0% issues that each group regards is important<00:02:15.310> if<00:02:15.909> there<00:02:16.299> are<00:02:16.420> substantial 00:02:16.649 --> 00:02:16.659 align:start position:0% important if there are substantial 00:02:16.659 --> 00:02:19.350 align:start position:0% important if there are substantial differences<00:02:17.849> politicians<00:02:18.849> can<00:02:19.030> target 00:02:19.350 --> 00:02:19.360 align:start position:0% differences politicians can target 00:02:19.360 --> 00:02:21.600 align:start position:0% differences politicians can target different<00:02:19.870> groups<00:02:20.319> with<00:02:20.799> different<00:02:20.829> messages 00:02:21.600 --> 00:02:21.610 align:start position:0% different groups with different messages 00:02:21.610 --> 00:02:24.420 align:start position:0% different groups with different messages if<00:02:22.360> everyone<00:02:22.900> thinks<00:02:23.110> the<00:02:23.319> same<00:02:23.590> then<00:02:24.189> this 00:02:24.420 --> 00:02:24.430 align:start position:0% if everyone thinks the same then this 00:02:24.430 --> 00:02:26.819 align:start position:0% if everyone thinks the same then this won't<00:02:24.549> be<00:02:24.730> necessary<00:02:25.239> that<00:02:26.230> if<00:02:26.379> you<00:02:26.500> look<00:02:26.650> at 00:02:26.819 --> 00:02:26.829 align:start position:0% won't be necessary that if you look at 00:02:26.829 --> 00:02:30.210 align:start position:0% won't be necessary that if you look at the<00:02:26.860> attitudes<00:02:27.430> of<00:02:27.840> 12<00:02:28.840> to<00:02:29.049> 15<00:02:29.500> year<00:02:29.709> olds<00:02:30.069> and 00:02:30.210 --> 00:02:30.220 align:start position:0% the attitudes of 12 to 15 year olds and 00:02:30.220 --> 00:02:31.860 align:start position:0% the attitudes of 12 to 15 year olds and you<00:02:30.730> ask<00:02:30.940> them<00:02:31.150> what<00:02:31.299> are<00:02:31.420> the<00:02:31.480> issues<00:02:31.599> that 00:02:31.860 --> 00:02:31.870 align:start position:0% you ask them what are the issues that 00:02:31.870 --> 00:02:33.750 align:start position:0% you ask them what are the issues that they're<00:02:32.230> concerned<00:02:32.680> about<00:02:33.040> the<00:02:33.610> environment 00:02:33.750 --> 00:02:33.760 align:start position:0% they're concerned about the environment 00:02:33.760 --> 00:02:36.630 align:start position:0% they're concerned about the environment was<00:02:34.239> coming<00:02:34.569> up<00:02:34.659> number<00:02:34.989> one<00:02:35.340> but<00:02:36.340> if<00:02:36.430> you<00:02:36.519> look 00:02:36.630 --> 00:02:36.640 align:start position:0% was coming up number one but if you look 00:02:36.640 --> 00:02:39.599 align:start position:0% was coming up number one but if you look at<00:02:36.760> the<00:02:36.879> 18<00:02:37.269> to<00:02:37.450> 24<00:02:38.019> year<00:02:38.079> olds<00:02:38.650> it<00:02:39.159> was<00:02:39.340> down 00:02:39.599 --> 00:02:39.609 align:start position:0% at the 18 to 24 year olds it was down 00:02:39.609 --> 00:02:42.210 align:start position:0% at the 18 to 24 year olds it was down around<00:02:39.730> eighth<00:02:40.030> place<00:02:40.480> and<00:02:40.870> then<00:02:41.829> it<00:02:41.980> came 00:02:42.210 --> 00:02:42.220 align:start position:0% around eighth place and then it came 00:02:42.220 --> 00:02:45.210 align:start position:0% around eighth place and then it came back<00:02:42.280> in<00:02:43.000> the<00:02:43.510> slightly<00:02:44.019> older<00:02:44.530> age<00:02:44.680> group<00:02:45.040> as 00:02:45.210 --> 00:02:45.220 align:start position:0% back in the slightly older age group as 00:02:45.220 --> 00:02:48.270 align:start position:0% back in the slightly older age group as they<00:02:46.180> had<00:02:46.540> their<00:02:46.959> family<00:02:47.440> formations<00:02:48.040> and 00:02:48.270 --> 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align:start position:0% bringing our kids up in but the 18 to 24 00:02:55.209 --> 00:02:56.399 align:start position:0% bringing our kids up in but the 18 to 24 year<00:02:55.269> olds<00:02:55.540> were<00:02:55.659> worried<00:02:55.870> about<00:02:56.019> getting<00:02:56.230> a 00:02:56.399 --> 00:02:56.409 align:start position:0% year olds were worried about getting a 00:02:56.409 --> 00:02:59.280 align:start position:0% year olds were worried about getting a job<00:02:56.440> getting<00:02:57.099> on<00:02:57.310> in<00:02:57.489> life<00:02:57.700> of<00:02:58.260> finding<00:02:59.260> a 00:02:59.280 --> 00:02:59.290 align:start position:0% job getting on in life of finding a 00:02:59.290 --> 00:03:01.440 align:start position:0% job getting on in life of finding a boyfriend<00:02:59.440> or<00:02:59.889> a<00:02:59.980> girlfriend<00:03:00.010> and<00:03:00.819> so<00:03:01.150> that's 00:03:01.440 --> 00:03:01.450 align:start position:0% boyfriend or a girlfriend and so that's 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yeah definitely<00:03:10.440> seems<00:03:11.440> I<00:03:11.560> got<00:03:11.709> a<00:03:11.739> job<00:03:11.980> or<00:03:12.190> a<00:03:12.220> family 00:03:12.449 --> 00:03:12.459 align:start position:0% definitely seems I got a job or a family 00:03:12.459 --> 00:03:14.339 align:start position:0% definitely seems I got a job or a family everything's<00:03:13.060> good<00:03:13.269> at<00:03:13.389> a<00:03:13.569> full-time<00:03:14.109> job 00:03:14.339 --> 00:03:14.349 align:start position:0% everything's good at a full-time job 00:03:14.349 --> 00:03:16.110 align:start position:0% everything's good at a full-time job depends<00:03:14.919> what<00:03:15.069> sort<00:03:15.280> of<00:03:15.310> sex<00:03:15.519> what<00:03:15.730> sector<00:03:16.030> I'm 00:03:16.110 --> 00:03:16.120 align:start position:0% depends what sort of sex what sector I'm 00:03:16.120 --> 00:03:18.930 align:start position:0% depends what sort of sex what sector I'm working<00:03:16.480> in<00:03:16.599> of<00:03:17.260> course<00:03:17.530> yeah<00:03:17.940> definitely 00:03:18.930 --> 00:03:18.940 align:start position:0% working in of course yeah definitely 00:03:18.940 --> 00:03:20.490 align:start position:0% working in of course yeah definitely definitely<00:03:19.000> change<00:03:19.599> yeah<00:03:19.930> your<00:03:20.079> views<00:03:20.319> do 00:03:20.490 --> 00:03:20.500 align:start position:0% definitely change yeah your views do 00:03:20.500 --> 00:03:23.509 align:start position:0% definitely change yeah your views do change<00:03:20.769> I<00:03:21.129> think<00:03:21.639> that<00:03:21.819> the<00:03:21.940> way<00:03:22.060> people<00:03:22.319> vote 00:03:23.509 --> 00:03:23.519 align:start position:0% change I think that the way people vote 00:03:23.519 --> 00:03:27.390 align:start position:0% change I think that the way people vote changes<00:03:24.519> as<00:03:24.699> you<00:03:24.959> get<00:03:25.959> older<00:03:26.410> it<00:03:26.680> may<00:03:26.980> be<00:03:27.040> that 00:03:27.390 --> 00:03:27.400 align:start position:0% changes as you get older it may be that 00:03:27.400 --> 00:03:29.939 align:start position:0% changes as you get older it may be that the<00:03:27.819> concerns<00:03:28.269> of<00:03:28.510> younger<00:03:28.959> people<00:03:28.989> are<00:03:29.680> quite 00:03:29.939 --> 00:03:29.949 align:start position:0% the concerns of younger people are quite 00:03:29.949 --> 00:03:31.619 align:start position:0% the concerns of younger people are quite different<00:03:30.220> from<00:03:30.549> the<00:03:30.730> concerns<00:03:31.150> of<00:03:31.299> older 00:03:31.619 --> 00:03:31.629 align:start position:0% different from the concerns of older 00:03:31.629 --> 00:03:35.670 align:start position:0% different from the concerns of older people<00:03:32.310> one<00:03:33.310> way<00:03:33.459> we<00:03:33.639> can<00:03:33.790> test<00:03:34.060> that<00:03:34.419> is<00:03:34.810> to<00:03:35.560> do 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thing I 00:03:53.440 --> 00:03:54.899 align:start position:0% yeah that that was the first thing I kind<00:03:53.650> of<00:03:53.739> looked<00:03:53.919> tech<00:03:54.099> service<00:03:54.400> jobs 00:03:54.899 --> 00:03:54.909 align:start position:0% kind of looked tech service jobs 00:03:54.909 --> 00:03:57.629 align:start position:0% kind of looked tech service jobs education<00:03:55.299> health<00:03:56.139> I'll<00:03:56.829> chose<00:03:57.040> employment 00:03:57.629 --> 00:03:57.639 align:start position:0% education health I'll chose employment 00:03:57.639 --> 00:04:00.330 align:start position:0% education health I'll chose employment obviously<00:03:58.150> I'm<00:03:58.870> a<00:03:58.930> final<00:03:59.769> year<00:03:59.889> student 00:04:00.330 --> 00:04:00.340 align:start position:0% obviously I'm a final year student 00:04:00.340 --> 00:04:02.909 align:start position:0% obviously I'm a final year student health<00:04:00.699> care<00:04:00.970> my<00:04:01.329> certainly<00:04:01.810> global<00:04:02.709> woman 00:04:02.909 --> 00:04:02.919 align:start position:0% health care my certainly global woman 00:04:02.919 --> 00:04:04.800 align:start position:0% health care my certainly global woman has<00:04:03.040> always<00:04:03.549> been<00:04:03.819> an<00:04:03.940> issue<00:04:04.090> it's<00:04:04.510> always 00:04:04.800 --> 00:04:04.810 align:start position:0% has always been an issue it's always 00:04:04.810 --> 00:04:06.599 align:start position:0% has always been an issue it's always going<00:04:04.930> to<00:04:05.049> be<00:04:05.079> there<00:04:05.349> yes<00:04:05.709> it's<00:04:06.010> gonna<00:04:06.340> it's 00:04:06.599 --> 00:04:06.609 align:start position:0% going to be there yes it's gonna it's 00:04:06.609 --> 00:04:08.879 align:start position:0% going to be there yes it's gonna it's not<00:04:06.699> that<00:04:07.150> it's<00:04:07.780> not<00:04:07.989> important<00:04:08.409> it<00:04:08.560> is<00:04:08.620> very 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so anything that affects us 00:04:16.389 --> 00:04:17.199 align:start position:0% decided yes so anything that affects us really 00:04:17.199 --> 00:04:17.209 align:start position:0% really 00:04:17.209 --> 00:04:20.409 align:start position:0% really pensions<00:04:18.199> why<00:04:19.190> does<00:04:19.370> that<00:04:19.519> figure<00:04:19.729> soullow<00:04:20.000> in 00:04:20.409 --> 00:04:20.419 align:start position:0% pensions why does that figure soullow in 00:04:20.419 --> 00:04:21.969 align:start position:0% pensions why does that figure soullow in your<00:04:20.600> and<00:04:20.930> lots<00:04:21.109> of<00:04:21.199> people<00:04:21.440> worried<00:04:21.680> about<00:04:21.859> it 00:04:21.969 --> 00:04:21.979 align:start position:0% your and lots of people worried about it 00:04:21.979 --> 00:04:26.830 align:start position:0% your and lots of people worried about it sorry<00:04:22.669> because<00:04:23.210> it's<00:04:23.360> so<00:04:23.449> far<00:04:23.539> away<00:04:25.840> having 00:04:26.830 --> 00:04:26.840 align:start position:0% sorry because it's so far away having 00:04:26.840 --> 00:04:28.570 align:start position:0% sorry because it's so far away having established<00:04:26.960> a<00:04:27.470> typical<00:04:27.949> ranking<00:04:28.400> for<00:04:28.550> each 00:04:28.570 --> 00:04:28.580 align:start position:0% established a typical ranking for each 00:04:28.580 --> 00:04:31.270 align:start position:0% established a typical ranking for each group<00:04:29.000> we<00:04:29.780> then<00:04:29.960> analyzed<00:04:30.440> the<00:04:30.650> results<00:04:30.830> by 00:04:31.270 --> 00:04:31.280 align:start position:0% group we then analyzed the results by 00:04:31.280 --> 00:04:33.700 align:start position:0% group we then analyzed the results by developing<00:04:31.910> a<00:04:32.060> rank<00:04:32.750> correlation 00:04:33.700 --> 00:04:33.710 align:start position:0% developing a rank correlation 00:04:33.710 --> 00:04:37.930 align:start position:0% developing a rank correlation coefficient<00:04:35.680> first<00:04:36.680> we'll<00:04:37.280> explain<00:04:37.610> what<00:04:37.819> the 00:04:37.930 --> 00:04:37.940 align:start position:0% coefficient first we'll explain what the 00:04:37.940 --> 00:04:41.379 align:start position:0% coefficient first we'll explain what the term<00:04:38.180> means<00:04:39.190> then<00:04:40.190> we'll<00:04:40.340> be<00:04:40.460> able<00:04:40.490> to<00:04:40.789> see<00:04:41.090> how 00:04:41.379 --> 00:04:41.389 align:start position:0% term means then we'll be able to see how 00:04:41.389 --> 00:04:44.200 align:start position:0% term means then we'll be able to see how closely<00:04:42.080> linked<00:04:42.949> the<00:04:43.250> two<00:04:43.280> groups<00:04:43.699> are<00:04:44.030> in 00:04:44.200 --> 00:04:44.210 align:start position:0% closely linked the two groups are in 00:04:44.210 --> 00:04:47.080 align:start position:0% closely linked the two groups are in their<00:04:44.389> thinking<00:04:44.660> and<00:04:45.460> you'll<00:04:46.460> be<00:04:46.550> able<00:04:46.669> to<00:04:46.849> see 00:04:47.080 --> 00:04:47.090 align:start position:0% their thinking and you'll be able to see 00:04:47.090 --> 00:04:48.879 align:start position:0% their thinking and you'll be able to see whether<00:04:47.300> there's<00:04:47.569> anything<00:04:47.810> that<00:04:48.020> surprises 00:04:48.879 --> 00:04:48.889 align:start position:0% whether there's anything that surprises 00:04:48.889 --> 00:04:52.330 align:start position:0% whether there's anything that surprises you<00:04:49.039> about<00:04:49.310> the<00:04:49.460> results<00:04:50.919> the<00:04:51.919> data<00:04:52.130> we 00:04:52.330 --> 00:04:52.340 align:start position:0% you about the results the data we 00:04:52.340 --> 00:04:55.990 align:start position:0% you about the results the data we collected<00:04:52.849> is<00:04:53.570> given<00:04:53.990> in<00:04:54.080> the<00:04:54.199> table<00:04:55.000> we've 00:04:55.990 --> 00:04:56.000 align:start position:0% collected is given in the table we've 00:04:56.000 --> 00:04:57.700 align:start position:0% collected is given in the table we've ranked<00:04:56.330> the<00:04:56.449> issues<00:04:56.750> according<00:04:57.050> to<00:04:57.320> the<00:04:57.440> views 00:04:57.700 --> 00:04:57.710 align:start position:0% ranked the issues according to the views 00:04:57.710 --> 00:05:00.760 align:start position:0% ranked the issues according to the views expressed<00:04:57.889> by<00:04:58.340> the<00:04:58.490> over<00:04:58.940> 40's<00:04:59.349> but<00:05:00.349> whether 00:05:00.760 --> 00:05:00.770 align:start position:0% expressed by the over 40's but whether 00:05:00.770 --> 00:05:02.740 align:start position:0% expressed by the over 40's but whether we<00:05:00.919> present<00:05:01.340> the<00:05:01.460> survey<00:05:01.849> results<00:05:01.880> ranked<00:05:02.570> by 00:05:02.740 --> 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results<00:05:17.710> not<00:05:18.710> in<00:05:18.919> their<00:05:19.099> collection 00:05:22.450 --> 00:05:22.460 align:start position:0% 00:05:22.460 --> 00:05:24.790 align:start position:0% will<00:05:22.729> shortly<00:05:23.300> see<00:05:23.330> how<00:05:24.139> close<00:05:24.530> the<00:05:24.770> two 00:05:24.790 --> 00:05:24.800 align:start position:0% will shortly see how close the two 00:05:24.800 --> 00:05:27.249 align:start position:0% will shortly see how close the two groups<00:05:25.250> are<00:05:25.520> in<00:05:25.759> their<00:05:25.970> rankings<00:05:26.449> using 00:05:27.249 --> 00:05:27.259 align:start position:0% groups are in their rankings using 00:05:27.259 --> 00:05:31.960 align:start position:0% groups are in their rankings using spearman's<00:05:27.650> formula<00:05:28.370> the<00:05:29.270> formula<00:05:29.300> is<00:05:30.580> R<00:05:31.580> sub 00:05:31.960 --> 00:05:31.970 align:start position:0% spearman's formula the formula is R sub 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understand<00:05:49.850> the<00:05:49.970> significance<00:05:50.180> of 00:05:50.770 --> 00:05:50.780 align:start position:0% sure we understand the significance of 00:05:50.780 --> 00:05:53.740 align:start position:0% sure we understand the significance of the<00:05:50.930> number<00:05:51.110> that<00:05:51.410> will<00:05:51.530> obtain<00:05:52.480> if<00:05:53.480> there 00:05:53.740 --> 00:05:53.750 align:start position:0% the number that will obtain if there 00:05:53.750 --> 00:05:55.990 align:start position:0% the number that will obtain if there were<00:05:53.870> a<00:05:53.900> perfect<00:05:54.410> positive<00:05:54.860> correlation<00:05:55.160> of 00:05:55.990 --> 00:05:56.000 align:start position:0% were a perfect positive correlation of 00:05:56.000 --> 00:05:59.200 align:start position:0% were a perfect positive correlation of the<00:05:56.780> kind<00:05:57.080> shown<00:05:57.380> below<00:05:57.910> then<00:05:58.910> with<00:05:59.090> this 00:05:59.200 --> 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score<00:06:10.350> of<00:06:10.500> minus<00:06:11.190> one<00:06:11.220> it 00:06:11.960 --> 00:06:11.970 align:start position:0% if there was a score of minus one it 00:06:11.970 --> 00:06:13.700 align:start position:0% if there was a score of minus one it would<00:06:12.270> be<00:06:12.450> because<00:06:12.690> there<00:06:13.020> was<00:06:13.110> a<00:06:13.140> perfect 00:06:13.700 --> 00:06:13.710 align:start position:0% would be because there was a perfect 00:06:13.710 --> 00:06:16.880 align:start position:0% would be because there was a perfect negative<00:06:14.190> correlation<00:06:15.180> each<00:06:15.870> groups<00:06:16.350> ranking 00:06:16.880 --> 00:06:16.890 align:start position:0% negative correlation each groups ranking 00:06:16.890 --> 00:06:20.380 align:start position:0% negative correlation each groups ranking being<00:06:17.400> the<00:06:17.550> complete<00:06:18.060> opposite<00:06:18.570> of<00:06:18.690> the<00:06:18.840> other 00:06:20.380 --> 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as ten pensions at nine and so on 00:06:30.760 --> 00:06:32.390 align:start position:0% as ten pensions at nine and so on and<00:06:31.150> this<00:06:31.540> is<00:06:31.690> how<00:06:31.840> that<00:06:31.900> would<00:06:32.230> look 00:06:32.390 --> 00:06:32.400 align:start position:0% and this is how that would look 00:06:32.400 --> 00:06:36.260 align:start position:0% and this is how that would look diagrammatically 00:06:36.260 --> 00:06:36.270 align:start position:0% 00:06:36.270 --> 00:06:41.040 align:start position:0% now<00:06:36.870> we've<00:06:37.110> plotted<00:06:37.350> our<00:06:37.740> actual<00:06:38.370> data 00:06:41.040 --> 00:06:41.050 align:start position:0% 00:06:41.050 --> 00:06:43.230 align:start position:0% it's<00:06:41.830> clear<00:06:42.099> that<00:06:42.129> we<00:06:42.340> don't<00:06:42.490> have<00:06:42.759> either<00:06:43.060> a 00:06:43.230 --> 00:06:43.240 align:start position:0% it's clear that we don't have either a 00:06:43.240 --> 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negative<00:06:51.250> correlation<00:06:51.909> or 00:06:52.020 --> 00:06:52.030 align:start position:0% correlation some negative correlation or 00:06:52.030 --> 00:06:54.990 align:start position:0% correlation some negative correlation or no<00:06:52.330> correlation<00:06:52.930> at<00:06:53.050> all<00:06:53.280> but<00:06:54.280> our<00:06:54.430> formula 00:06:54.990 --> 00:06:55.000 align:start position:0% no correlation at all but our formula 00:06:55.000 --> 00:06:56.939 align:start position:0% no correlation at all but our formula will<00:06:55.150> tell<00:06:55.360> us<00:06:55.389> what<00:06:55.870> we<00:06:55.900> can't<00:06:56.349> see<00:06:56.650> clearly 00:06:56.939 --> 00:06:56.949 align:start position:0% will tell us what we can't see clearly 00:06:56.949 --> 00:07:00.480 align:start position:0% will tell us what we can't see clearly with<00:06:57.400> a<00:06:57.430> naked<00:06:57.699> eye<00:06:58.919> now<00:06:59.919> we're<00:07:00.129> in<00:07:00.250> a<00:07:00.340> position 00:07:00.480 --> 00:07:00.490 align:start position:0% with a naked eye now we're in a position 00:07:00.490 --> 00:07:02.670 align:start position:0% with a naked eye now we're in a position to<00:07:00.940> work<00:07:01.419> out<00:07:01.720> the<00:07:01.900> correlation<00:07:02.500> coefficient 00:07:02.670 --> 00:07:02.680 align:start position:0% to work out the correlation coefficient 00:07:02.680 --> 00:07:06.360 align:start position:0% to work out the correlation coefficient using<00:07:03.280> the<00:07:03.970> formula<00:07:04.449> and<00:07:04.659> see<00:07:05.590> how<00:07:05.740> we<00:07:05.800> can<00:07:06.099> use 00:07:06.360 --> 00:07:06.370 align:start position:0% using the formula and see how we can use 00:07:06.370 --> 00:07:08.580 align:start position:0% using the formula and see how we can use this<00:07:06.550> information<00:07:06.940> to<00:07:07.389> help<00:07:07.840> politicians 00:07:08.580 --> 00:07:08.590 align:start position:0% this information to help politicians 00:07:08.590 --> 00:07:11.159 align:start position:0% this information to help politicians target<00:07:09.069> their<00:07:09.220> message<00:07:09.610> and<00:07:10.000> let's<00:07:10.870> be<00:07:11.020> clear 00:07:11.159 --> 00:07:11.169 align:start position:0% target their message and let's be clear 00:07:11.169 --> 00:07:13.619 align:start position:0% target their message and let's be clear whatever<00:07:11.590> they<00:07:11.740> say<00:07:12.069> the<00:07:12.699> politicians<00:07:13.360> do 00:07:13.619 --> 00:07:13.629 align:start position:0% whatever they say the politicians do 00:07:13.629 --> 00:07:16.589 align:start position:0% whatever they say the politicians do care<00:07:14.110> about<00:07:14.139> these<00:07:14.740> things<00:07:15.039> it<00:07:16.030> depends<00:07:16.539> on 00:07:16.589 --> 00:07:16.599 align:start position:0% care about these things it depends on 00:07:16.599 --> 00:07:17.969 align:start position:0% care about these things it depends on who<00:07:16.780> they're<00:07:16.960> talking<00:07:16.990> to<00:07:17.440> if<00:07:17.770> they're 00:07:17.969 --> 00:07:17.979 align:start position:0% who they're talking to if they're 00:07:17.979 --> 00:07:21.059 align:start position:0% who they're talking to if they're talking<00:07:18.400> to<00:07:18.430> the<00:07:18.669> television<00:07:19.150> or<00:07:20.080> to<00:07:20.530> a<00:07:20.560> public 00:07:21.059 --> 00:07:21.069 align:start position:0% talking to the television or to a public 00:07:21.069 --> 00:07:23.159 align:start position:0% talking to the television or to a public audience<00:07:21.280> they<00:07:22.210> don't<00:07:22.389> believe<00:07:22.629> in<00:07:22.750> opinion 00:07:23.159 --> 00:07:23.169 align:start position:0% audience they don't believe in opinion 00:07:23.169 --> 00:07:26.909 align:start position:0% audience they don't believe in opinion polls<00:07:23.199> if<00:07:24.069> they're<00:07:24.370> talking<00:07:24.819> in<00:07:24.969> private<00:07:25.919> they 00:07:26.909 --> 00:07:26.919 align:start position:0% polls if they're talking in private they 00:07:26.919 --> 00:07:30.240 align:start position:0% polls if they're talking in private they believe<00:07:27.280> them<00:07:27.870> beyond<00:07:28.870> all<00:07:29.229> recognition<00:07:29.440> and 00:07:30.240 --> 00:07:30.250 align:start position:0% believe them beyond all recognition and 00:07:30.250 --> 00:07:32.909 align:start position:0% believe them beyond all recognition and the<00:07:31.000> third<00:07:31.300> one<00:07:31.539> if<00:07:31.750> they<00:07:32.319> change<00:07:32.590> their 00:07:32.909 --> 00:07:32.919 align:start position:0% the third one if they change their 00:07:32.919 --> 00:07:38.129 align:start position:0% the third one if they change their policies<00:07:34.860> I'm<00:07:35.860> delighted<00:07:36.479> because<00:07:37.479> it<00:07:37.900> says 00:07:38.129 --> 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then see how this might give help to the politicians<00:07:54.219> seeking<00:07:55.210> to<00:07:55.509> understand 00:07:56.040 --> 00:07:56.050 align:start position:0% politicians seeking to understand 00:07:56.050 --> 00:08:00.330 align:start position:0% politicians seeking to understand people's<00:07:56.439> wishes<00:07:58.110> we<00:07:59.110> begin<00:07:59.439> our<00:07:59.469> calculation 00:08:00.330 --> 00:08:00.340 align:start position:0% people's wishes we begin our calculation 00:08:00.340 --> 00:08:02.249 align:start position:0% people's wishes we begin our calculation by<00:08:00.759> computing<00:08:01.270> the<00:08:01.330> differences<00:08:01.990> in<00:08:02.020> the 00:08:02.249 --> 00:08:02.259 align:start position:0% by computing the differences in the 00:08:02.259 --> 00:08:06.149 align:start position:0% by computing the differences in the rankings<00:08:02.740> for<00:08:03.009> each<00:08:03.189> issue<00:08:03.520> labeled<00:08:04.389> d<00:08:05.039> so<00:08:06.039> in 00:08:06.149 --> 00:08:06.159 align:start position:0% rankings for each issue labeled d so in 00:08:06.159 --> 00:08:11.219 align:start position:0% rankings for each issue labeled d so in column<00:08:06.520> for<00:08:06.789> we<00:08:07.599> have<00:08:07.780> for<00:08:08.439> health<00:08:09.449> 1-4<00:08:10.449> which 00:08:11.219 --> 00:08:11.229 align:start position:0% column for we have for health 1-4 which 00:08:11.229 --> 00:08:15.029 align:start position:0% column for we have for health 1-4 which gives<00:08:11.439> us<00:08:11.590> minus<00:08:11.800> 3<00:08:13.289> when<00:08:14.289> we<00:08:14.439> sum<00:08:14.830> these 00:08:15.029 --> 00:08:15.039 align:start position:0% gives us minus 3 when we sum these 00:08:15.039 --> 00:08:16.649 align:start position:0% gives us minus 3 when we sum these differences<00:08:15.729> at<00:08:15.909> the<00:08:16.000> bottom<00:08:16.330> of<00:08:16.360> the<00:08:16.449> column 00:08:16.649 --> 00:08:16.659 align:start position:0% differences at the bottom of the column 00:08:16.659 --> 00:08:21.510 align:start position:0% differences at the bottom of the column it<00:08:17.139> will<00:08:17.379> of<00:08:17.650> course<00:08:17.800> come<00:08:18.099> to<00:08:18.250> 0<00:08:19.979> so<00:08:20.979> in<00:08:21.099> column 00:08:21.510 --> 00:08:21.520 align:start position:0% it will of course come to 0 so in column 00:08:21.520 --> 00:08:24.689 align:start position:0% it will of course come to 0 so in column 5<00:08:21.939> we've<00:08:22.930> squared<00:08:23.469> each<00:08:23.889> of<00:08:24.099> the<00:08:24.189> differences 00:08:24.689 --> 00:08:24.699 align:start position:0% 5 we've squared each of the differences 00:08:24.699 --> 00:08:29.010 align:start position:0% 5 we've squared each of the differences and<00:08:24.909> then<00:08:25.659> summed<00:08:26.050> these<00:08:26.909> that<00:08:27.909> way<00:08:28.120> we<00:08:28.810> turn 00:08:29.010 --> 00:08:29.020 align:start position:0% and then summed these that way we turn 00:08:29.020 --> 00:08:30.990 align:start position:0% and then summed these that way we turn even<00:08:29.409> negative<00:08:29.860> numbers<00:08:30.279> into<00:08:30.520> positive 00:08:30.990 --> 00:08:31.000 align:start position:0% even negative numbers into positive 00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:33.269 align:start position:0% even negative numbers into positive numbers<00:08:31.360> and<00:08:31.870> that's<00:08:32.079> what<00:08:32.229> we<00:08:32.380> want<00:08:32.620> we're 00:08:33.269 --> 00:08:33.279 align:start position:0% numbers and that's what we want we're 00:08:33.279 --> 00:08:35.519 align:start position:0% numbers and that's what we want we're interested<00:08:33.700> in<00:08:34.029> the<00:08:34.149> absolute<00:08:34.899> differences 00:08:35.519 --> 00:08:35.529 align:start position:0% interested in the absolute differences 00:08:35.529 --> 00:08:37.850 align:start position:0% interested in the absolute differences of<00:08:35.709> the<00:08:35.800> rankings 00:08:37.850 --> 00:08:37.860 align:start position:0% of the rankings 00:08:37.860 --> 00:08:39.980 align:start position:0% of the rankings in<00:08:38.519> our<00:08:38.669> case<00:08:38.880> the<00:08:38.940> sum<00:08:39.329> of<00:08:39.479> these<00:08:39.599> squared 00:08:39.980 --> 00:08:39.990 align:start position:0% in our case the sum of these squared 00:08:39.990 --> 00:08:44.209 align:start position:0% in our case the sum of these squared differences<00:08:40.529> is<00:08:41.209> 202<00:08:42.709> we<00:08:43.709> can<00:08:43.890> take<00:08:44.070> this 00:08:44.209 --> 00:08:44.219 align:start position:0% differences is 202 we can take this 00:08:44.219 --> 00:08:46.670 align:start position:0% differences is 202 we can take this number<00:08:44.399> and<00:08:44.730> feed<00:08:45.420> it<00:08:45.570> into<00:08:45.720> our<00:08:45.870> formula<00:08:46.290> and 00:08:46.670 --> 00:08:46.680 align:start position:0% number and feed it into our formula and 00:08:46.680 --> 00:08:49.100 align:start position:0% number and feed it into our formula and so<00:08:47.459> produce<00:08:47.670> our<00:08:48.089> rank<00:08:48.420> correlation 00:08:49.100 --> 00:08:49.110 align:start position:0% so produce our rank correlation 00:08:49.110 --> 00:08:52.120 align:start position:0% so produce our rank correlation coefficient 00:08:52.120 --> 00:08:52.130 align:start position:0% 00:08:52.130 --> 00:08:55.930 align:start position:0% our<00:08:52.850> formula<00:08:53.360> is<00:08:53.570> our<00:08:54.560> sub<00:08:54.950> s<00:08:55.130> equals<00:08:55.670> one 00:08:55.930 --> 00:08:55.940 align:start position:0% our formula is our sub s equals one 00:08:55.940 --> 00:09:01.120 align:start position:0% our formula is our sub s equals one minus<00:08:56.410> six<00:08:57.410> sigma<00:08:58.160> d<00:08:58.310> squared<00:08:58.670> over<00:08:59.240> n<00:08:59.830> times<00:09:00.830> n 00:09:01.120 --> 00:09:01.130 align:start position:0% minus six sigma d squared over n times n 00:09:01.130 --> 00:09:05.110 align:start position:0% minus six sigma d squared over n times n squared<00:09:02.030> minus<00:09:02.210> one<00:09:03.190> we've<00:09:04.190> worked<00:09:04.220> out<00:09:04.730> that 00:09:05.110 --> 00:09:05.120 align:start position:0% squared minus one we've worked out that 00:09:05.120 --> 00:09:07.180 align:start position:0% squared minus one we've worked out that sigma<00:09:05.630> d<00:09:05.780> squared<00:09:06.140> the<00:09:06.410> sum<00:09:06.650> of<00:09:06.800> the<00:09:06.890> squared 00:09:07.180 --> 00:09:07.190 align:start position:0% sigma d squared the sum of the squared 00:09:07.190 --> 00:09:12.580 align:start position:0% sigma d squared the sum of the squared differences<00:09:07.730> is<00:09:08.230> 202<00:09:09.910> with<00:09:10.910> 10<00:09:11.240> issues<00:09:11.570> so<00:09:12.290> N 00:09:12.580 --> 00:09:12.590 align:start position:0% differences is 202 with 10 issues so N 00:09:12.590 --> 00:09:17.710 align:start position:0% differences is 202 with 10 issues so N equals<00:09:12.670> 10<00:09:14.620> so<00:09:15.620> this<00:09:15.650> gives<00:09:15.980> us<00:09:16.250> our<00:09:17.180> sub<00:09:17.570> s 00:09:17.710 --> 00:09:17.720 align:start position:0% equals 10 so this gives us our sub s 00:09:17.720 --> 00:09:25.230 align:start position:0% equals 10 so this gives us our sub s equals<00:09:18.170> one<00:09:18.500> minus<00:09:19.480> six<00:09:20.480> x<00:09:20.680> 202<00:09:22.150> over<00:09:23.150> 10<00:09:24.050> times 00:09:25.230 --> 00:09:25.240 align:start position:0% equals one minus six x 202 over 10 times 00:09:25.240 --> 00:09:32.970 align:start position:0% equals one minus six x 202 over 10 times 100<00:09:26.240> minus<00:09:26.420> 1<00:09:27.790> which<00:09:28.790> equals<00:09:28.820> one<00:09:29.660> minus<00:09:31.780> 1212 00:09:32.970 --> 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groups have little in 00:09:48.140 --> 00:09:49.840 align:start position:0% that our two groups have little in common<00:09:48.170> when<00:09:48.680> it<00:09:48.800> comes<00:09:49.040> to<00:09:49.220> their<00:09:49.370> views<00:09:49.670> on 00:09:49.840 --> 00:09:49.850 align:start position:0% common when it comes to their views on 00:09:49.850 --> 00:09:51.670 align:start position:0% common when it comes to their views on the<00:09:49.940> relative<00:09:50.240> importance<00:09:50.900> of<00:09:51.110> the<00:09:51.500> key 00:09:51.670 --> 00:09:51.680 align:start position:0% the relative importance of the key 00:09:51.680 --> 00:09:55.770 align:start position:0% the relative importance of the key issues<00:09:52.040> of<00:09:52.160> the<00:09:52.280> day<00:09:53.320> if<00:09:54.320> our<00:09:54.590> data<00:09:54.950> were<00:09:55.310> to<00:09:55.520> be 00:09:55.770 --> 00:09:55.780 align:start position:0% issues of the day if our data were to be 00:09:55.780 --> 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--> 00:10:13.780 align:start position:0% this makes the task of finding a message appealing<00:10:12.260> to<00:10:12.410> all<00:10:12.440> age<00:10:12.800> groups<00:10:12.830> very 00:10:13.780 --> 00:10:13.790 align:start position:0% appealing to all age groups very 00:10:13.790 --> 00:10:17.080 align:start position:0% appealing to all age groups very difficult<00:10:14.890> developing<00:10:15.890> policies<00:10:16.340> on<00:10:16.520> tax<00:10:16.850> and 00:10:17.080 --> 00:10:17.090 align:start position:0% difficult developing policies on tax and 00:10:17.090 --> 00:10:19.060 align:start position:0% difficult developing policies on tax and spending<00:10:17.390> for<00:10:17.570> example<00:10:18.080> becomes<00:10:18.770> very 00:10:19.060 --> 00:10:19.070 align:start position:0% spending for example becomes very 00:10:19.070 --> 00:10:22.660 align:start position:0% spending for example becomes very awkward<00:10:20.830> things<00:10:21.830> can<00:10:22.040> be<00:10:22.160> even<00:10:22.490> more 00:10:22.660 --> 00:10:22.670 align:start position:0% awkward things can be even more 00:10:22.670 --> 00:10:24.700 align:start position:0% awkward things can be even more difficult<00:10:22.940> than<00:10:23.300> this<00:10:23.530> sometimes<00:10:24.530> the 00:10:24.700 --> 00:10:24.710 align:start position:0% difficult than this sometimes the 00:10:24.710 --> 00:10:26.920 align:start position:0% difficult than this sometimes the significance<00:10:25.370> of<00:10:25.490> issues<00:10:25.850> can<00:10:26.420> vary<00:10:26.720> between 00:10:26.920 --> 00:10:26.930 align:start position:0% significance of issues can vary between 00:10:26.930 --> 00:10:31.180 align:start position:0% significance of issues can vary between people<00:10:27.560> in<00:10:27.680> the<00:10:27.800> same<00:10:28.070> group<00:10:29.470> it<00:10:30.470> won't<00:10:30.740> do<00:10:30.950> for 00:10:31.180 --> 00:10:31.190 align:start position:0% people in the same group it won't do for 00:10:31.190 --> 00:10:32.980 align:start position:0% people in the same group it won't do for the<00:10:31.280> politicians<00:10:31.850> to<00:10:32.090> take<00:10:32.270> notice<00:10:32.540> of<00:10:32.810> old 00:10:32.980 --> 00:10:32.990 align:start position:0% the politicians to take notice of old 00:10:32.990 --> 00:10:35.350 align:start position:0% the politicians to take notice of old surveys<00:10:33.590> people's<00:10:34.280> attitudes<00:10:34.820> can<00:10:35.060> change 00:10:35.350 --> 00:10:35.360 align:start position:0% surveys people's attitudes can change 00:10:35.360 --> 00:10:37.810 align:start position:0% surveys people's attitudes can change quite<00:10:35.660> quickly<00:10:36.040> for<00:10:37.040> example<00:10:37.400> in<00:10:37.460> recent 00:10:37.810 --> 00:10:37.820 align:start position:0% quite quickly for example in recent 00:10:37.820 --> 00:10:40.260 align:start position:0% quite quickly for example in recent years<00:10:37.850> green<00:10:38.690> issues<00:10:39.050> have<00:10:39.260> come<00:10:39.290> to<00:10:39.710> the<00:10:39.800> form 00:10:40.260 --> 00:10:40.270 align:start position:0% years green issues have come to the form 00:10:40.270 --> 00:10:43.570 align:start position:0% years green issues have come to the form huge<00:10:41.270> changes<00:10:41.900> in<00:10:41.960> medical<00:10:42.770> techniques<00:10:43.310> have 00:10:43.570 --> 00:10:43.580 align:start position:0% huge changes in medical techniques have 00:10:43.580 --> 00:10:45.760 align:start position:0% huge changes in medical techniques have brought<00:10:43.850> health<00:10:44.180> care<00:10:44.540> issues<00:10:44.930> more<00:10:45.500> to 00:10:45.760 --> 00:10:45.770 align:start position:0% brought health care issues more to 00:10:45.770 --> 00:10:48.760 align:start position:0% brought health care issues more to people's<00:10:46.130> minds<00:10:46.660> on<00:10:47.660> the<00:10:47.810> other<00:10:47.900> hand<00:10:47.990> better 00:10:48.760 --> 00:10:48.770 align:start position:0% people's minds on the other hand better 00:10:48.770 --> 00:10:51.370 align:start position:0% people's minds on the other hand better control<00:10:49.340> of<00:10:49.550> inflation<00:10:50.180> extended<00:10:50.960> to<00:10:51.110> push 00:10:51.370 --> 00:10:51.380 align:start position:0% control of inflation extended to push 00:10:51.380 --> 00:10:54.910 align:start position:0% control of inflation extended to push this<00:10:51.590> down<00:10:51.920> people's<00:10:52.520> list<00:10:52.760> of<00:10:52.910> worries<00:10:53.920> will 00:10:54.910 --> 00:10:54.920 align:start position:0% this down people's list of worries will 00:10:54.920 --> 00:10:56.650 align:start position:0% this down people's list of worries will always<00:10:55.310> see<00:10:55.490> Health<00:10:55.760> Services<00:10:56.330> one<00:10:56.510> of<00:10:56.600> the 00:10:56.650 --> 00:10:56.660 align:start position:0% always see Health Services one of the 00:10:56.660 --> 00:10:59.760 align:start position:0% always see Health Services one of the most<00:10:56.840> important<00:10:57.350> issues<00:10:57.710> will<00:10:58.400> always<00:10:58.820> see<00:10:59.090> of 00:10:59.760 --> 00:10:59.770 align:start position:0% most important issues will always see of 00:10:59.770 --> 00:11:03.579 align:start position:0% most important issues will always see of the<00:11:00.770> economy<00:11:01.339> but<00:11:02.000> we<00:11:02.240> have<00:11:02.570> the<00:11:02.750> economy<00:11:03.350> much 00:11:03.579 --> 00:11:03.589 align:start position:0% the economy but we have the economy much 00:11:03.589 --> 00:11:05.420 align:start position:0% the economy but we have the economy much higher<00:11:03.830> today<00:11:04.160> than<00:11:04.370> we 00:11:05.420 --> 00:11:05.430 align:start position:0% higher today than we 00:11:05.430 --> 00:11:07.460 align:start position:0% higher today than we did<00:11:05.610> 10<00:11:05.880> years<00:11:05.910> ago<00:11:06.210> that's<00:11:06.690> for<00:11:06.960> sure<00:11:07.170> in 00:11:07.460 --> 00:11:07.470 align:start position:0% did 10 years ago that's for sure in 00:11:07.470 --> 00:11:09.650 align:start position:0% did 10 years ago that's for sure in people's<00:11:08.370> voting<00:11:08.700> behavior<00:11:08.820> but<00:11:09.210> remember 00:11:09.650 --> 00:11:09.660 align:start position:0% people's voting behavior but remember 00:11:09.660 --> 00:11:13.750 align:start position:0% people's voting behavior but remember issues<00:11:10.500> of<00:11:11.330> the<00:11:12.330> not<00:11:12.690> of<00:11:12.870> the<00:11:13.020> eighty<00:11:13.350> percent 00:11:13.750 --> 00:11:13.760 align:start position:0% issues of the not of the eighty percent 00:11:13.760 --> 00:11:16.190 align:start position:0% issues of the not of the eighty percent but<00:11:14.760> of<00:11:14.880> the<00:11:15.000> twenty<00:11:15.330> percent<00:11:15.360> of<00:11:15.810> floating 00:11:16.190 --> 00:11:16.200 align:start position:0% but of the twenty percent of floating 00:11:16.200 --> 00:11:19.540 align:start position:0% but of the twenty percent of floating voters<00:11:17.180> issues<00:11:18.180> are<00:11:18.480> only<00:11:18.870> the<00:11:19.140> prime 00:11:19.540 --> 00:11:19.550 align:start position:0% voters issues are only the prime 00:11:19.550 --> 00:11:23.510 align:start position:0% voters issues are only the prime consideration<00:11:20.550> in<00:11:21.500> forty<00:11:22.500> percent<00:11:22.890> of<00:11:23.100> those 00:11:23.510 --> 00:11:23.520 align:start position:0% consideration in forty percent of those 00:11:23.520 --> 00:11:26.810 align:start position:0% consideration in forty percent of those now<00:11:24.450> to<00:11:24.510> use<00:11:24.779> some<00:11:25.020> more<00:11:25.170> statistics<00:11:25.950> if<00:11:26.130> you 00:11:26.810 --> 00:11:26.820 align:start position:0% now to use some more statistics if you 00:11:26.820 --> 00:11:31.490 align:start position:0% now to use some more statistics if you multiply<00:11:27.330> eighty<00:11:27.720> percent<00:11:28.580> by<00:11:30.080> forty<00:11:31.080> percent 00:11:31.490 --> 00:11:31.500 align:start position:0% multiply eighty percent by forty percent 00:11:31.500 --> 00:11:33.800 align:start position:0% multiply eighty percent by forty percent you're<00:11:32.040> down<00:11:32.279> at<00:11:32.459> two<00:11:32.670> percent<00:11:33.209> of<00:11:33.390> the<00:11:33.600> total 00:11:33.800 --> 00:11:33.810 align:start position:0% you're down at two percent of the total 00:11:33.810 --> 00:11:37.579 align:start position:0% you're down at two percent of the total electorate<00:11:34.500> that<00:11:35.690> you're<00:11:36.690> talking<00:11:36.899> about<00:11:37.350> and 00:11:37.579 --> 00:11:37.589 align:start position:0% electorate that you're talking about and 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take<00:11:45.360> place<00:11:45.630> every<00:11:45.839> time 00:11:46.329 --> 00:11:46.339 align:start position:0% inevitably take place every time 00:11:46.339 --> 00:11:49.160 align:start position:0% inevitably take place every time questionnaires<00:11:47.339> of<00:11:47.520> this<00:11:47.670> kind<00:11:47.910> I<00:11:48.270> conducted 00:11:49.160 --> 00:11:49.170 align:start position:0% questionnaires of this kind I conducted 00:11:49.170 --> 00:11:53.120 align:start position:0% questionnaires of this kind I conducted regularly<00:11:51.529> these<00:11:52.529> techniques<00:11:52.920> of 00:11:53.120 --> 00:11:53.130 align:start position:0% regularly these techniques of 00:11:53.130 --> 00:11:55.340 align:start position:0% regularly these techniques of correlation<00:11:53.790> are<00:11:53.940> clearly<00:11:54.180> useful<00:11:54.750> for 00:11:55.340 --> 00:11:55.350 align:start position:0% correlation are clearly useful for 00:11:55.350 --> 00:11:57.560 align:start position:0% correlation are clearly useful for analyzing<00:11:55.470> political<00:11:56.459> data<00:11:56.700> but<00:11:57.270> they<00:11:57.390> have<00:11:57.540> a 00:11:57.560 --> 00:11:57.570 align:start position:0% analyzing political data but they have a 00:11:57.570 --> 00:12:00.740 align:start position:0% analyzing political data but they have a wide<00:11:57.839> range<00:11:58.170> of<00:11:58.380> applications<00:11:59.570> whenever<00:12:00.570> in 00:12:00.740 --> 00:12:00.750 align:start position:0% wide range of applications whenever in 00:12:00.750 --> 00:12:02.600 align:start position:0% wide range of applications whenever in the<00:12:00.839> social<00:12:01.200> sciences<00:12:01.740> we<00:12:02.220> wish<00:12:02.430> to<00:12:02.459> make 00:12:02.600 --> 00:12:02.610 align:start position:0% the social sciences we wish to make 00:12:02.610 --> 00:12:05.170 align:start position:0% the social sciences we wish to make comparisons<00:12:03.570> with<00:12:03.810> sets<00:12:04.080> of<00:12:04.290> rankings 00:12:05.170 --> 00:12:05.180 align:start position:0% comparisons with sets of rankings 00:12:05.180 --> 00:12:07.490 align:start position:0% comparisons with sets of rankings correlation<00:12:06.180> coefficients<00:12:06.810> will<00:12:07.200> prove<00:12:07.470> to 00:12:07.490 --> 00:12:07.500 align:start position:0% correlation coefficients will prove to 00:12:07.500 --> 00:12:10.460 align:start position:0% correlation coefficients will prove to be<00:12:07.649> an<00:12:07.830> improper<00:12:08.339> technique<00:12:08.550> to<00:12:09.000> use<00:12:09.350> but<00:12:10.350> they 00:12:10.460 --> 00:12:10.470 align:start position:0% be an improper technique to use but they 00:12:10.470 --> 00:12:13.100 align:start position:0% be an improper technique to use but they do<00:12:10.529> have<00:12:10.890> their<00:12:10.920> limits<00:12:11.930> doesn't<00:12:12.930> tell<00:12:13.080> us 00:12:13.100 --> 00:12:13.110 align:start position:0% do have their limits doesn't tell us 00:12:13.110 --> 00:12:16.100 align:start position:0% do have their limits doesn't tell us anything<00:12:13.290> about<00:12:13.770> the<00:12:14.100> causal<00:12:14.790> links<00:12:15.390> between 00:12:16.100 --> 00:12:16.110 align:start position:0% anything about the causal links between 00:12:16.110 --> 00:12:20.240 align:start position:0% anything about the causal links between sets<00:12:16.620> of<00:12:16.830> data<00:12:16.980> and<00:12:18.320> secondly<00:12:19.320> when<00:12:19.950> we<00:12:20.070> look 00:12:20.240 --> 00:12:20.250 align:start position:0% sets of data and secondly when we look 00:12:20.250 --> 00:12:23.390 align:start position:0% sets of data and secondly when we look at<00:12:20.370> rank<00:12:21.120> correlation<00:12:22.080> it<00:12:22.740> doesn't<00:12:23.190> tell<00:12:23.370> us 00:12:23.390 --> 00:12:23.400 align:start position:0% at rank correlation it doesn't tell us 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issue number<00:12:31.890> to<00:12:32.459> a<00:12:32.700> bit<00:12:33.270> less<00:12:33.480> important<00:12:34.080> than 00:12:34.100 --> 00:12:34.110 align:start position:0% number to a bit less important than 00:12:34.110 --> 00:12:36.470 align:start position:0% number to a bit less important than issue<00:12:34.350> number<00:12:34.740> one<00:12:34.920> or<00:12:35.310> a<00:12:35.370> great<00:12:35.880> deal<00:12:36.180> less 00:12:36.470 --> 00:12:36.480 align:start position:0% issue number one or a great deal less 00:12:36.480 --> 00:12:40.880 align:start position:0% issue number one or a great deal less important<00:12:38.480> but<00:12:39.480> if<00:12:39.660> we're<00:12:39.900> aware<00:12:40.410> of<00:12:40.470> these 00:12:40.880 --> 00:12:40.890 align:start position:0% important but if we're aware of these 00:12:40.890 --> 00:12:43.519 align:start position:0% important but if we're aware of these limitations<00:12:41.810> then<00:12:42.810> correlation 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and I find I use those<00:13:01.740> skills<00:13:01.860> now<00:13:02.250> more<00:13:02.520> than<00:13:02.610> ever<00:13:02.790> before 00:13:03.470 --> 00:13:03.480 align:start position:0% those skills now more than ever before 00:13:03.480 --> 00:13:06.650 align:start position:0% those skills now more than ever before because<00:13:04.410> you're<00:13:04.860> analyzing<00:13:05.520> research<00:13:06.270> to<00:13:06.630> try 00:13:06.650 --> 00:13:06.660 align:start position:0% because you're analyzing research to try 00:13:06.660 --> 00:13:09.350 align:start position:0% because you're analyzing research to try and<00:13:06.990> work<00:13:07.140> out<00:13:07.700> really<00:13:08.700> what<00:13:08.970> policy 00:13:09.350 --> 00:13:09.360 align:start position:0% and work out really what policy 00:13:09.360 --> 00:13:11.360 align:start position:0% and work out really what policy direction<00:13:09.810> you're<00:13:10.110> going<00:13:10.140> to<00:13:10.589> take<00:13:10.800> and<00:13:11.130> the 00:13:11.360 --> 00:13:11.370 align:start position:0% direction you're going to take and the 00:13:11.370 --> 00:13:12.769 align:start position:0% direction you're going to take and the effects<00:13:11.820> of<00:13:11.940> the<00:13:12.000> policies<00:13:12.450> that<00:13:12.480> you're 00:13:12.769 --> 00:13:12.779 align:start position:0% effects of the policies that you're 00:13:12.779 --> 00:13:13.310 align:start position:0% effects of the policies that you're going 00:13:13.310 --> 00:13:13.320 align:start position:0% going 00:13:13.320 --> 00:13:15.220 align:start position:0% going the<00:13:13.410> policy<00:13:14.160> decisions<00:13:14.580> that<00:13:14.730> you're<00:13:14.850> making 00:13:15.220 --> 00:13:15.230 align:start position:0% the policy decisions that you're making 00:13:15.230 --> 00:13:18.890 align:start position:0% the policy decisions that you're making so<00:13:16.230> statistics<00:13:16.890> has<00:13:17.160> I<00:13:17.520> think<00:13:18.060> a<00:13:18.150> growing<00:13:18.690> role 00:13:18.890 --> 00:13:18.900 align:start position:0% so statistics has I think a growing role 00:13:18.900 --> 00:13:33.250 align:start position:0% so statistics has I think a growing role to<00:13:19.140> play<00:13:19.260> in<00:13:19.620> policymaking 00:13:33.250 --> 00:13:33.260 align:start position:0% 00:13:33.260 --> 00:13:35.320 align:start position:0% you