
 About the Refresher Mathematics module: Frequently asked questions

  • Who is this module for?
    The "Mathematics Refresher for Economics" module is for incoming first year undergraduate students taking degree courses such as
    • Economics
    • Economics and Industrial Organisation
    • Economics, Politics and International Studies
    • Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
    • Economics, Philosophy and Psychology
    • Global Sustainable Development and Economics
    • Modern Languages and Economics
    • Liberal Arts and Economics
  • How long will it take?
    This depends on how much you feel you need to go into. We recommend that you use the diagnostic tests and your own judgement to identify which areas you need to watch tutorials for or get more practice on. There is no expectation to cover all of the material. If you can pass the diagnostic tests easily, then you may not need to look at any of the tutorial material. However, there is plenty of material available for those who want to go deeper or just want more practice.
  • When should I start?
    As soon as you are able. We recommend spreading the work over a few weeks leading up to the start of term.
  • How will I learn?
    The resource is flexible, so you can choose how to use it. But we recommend that you try the relevant diagnostic tests and use them to identify which areas you feel you need to work on. then for these areas, you will find tutorial videos and extra practise questions to try until you feel more comfortable with it. Then you can try the diagnostic tests again. We encourage you also to look at the economic application video and/or try the economic application exercise to see the mathematics in context. for those who want it, there are additional optional advanced quizzes and links to external resources on each chapter. Please watch the introductory video for more information.
  • Do I need to buy any books?
    No, but you might find it useful to consult the books you already have from your A-levels (or equivalent)
  • How do the quizzes work?
    Please see the how to use the quizzes page.