Markets, Games and Strategic Behavior


Lecturer: Todd Kaplan








Example Exam.


Moed Aleph with answers from 07-08.


Moed Bet with answers from 07-08.


Mark on lab reports; These now have the first 13 experiments.



Topic 1.


Experiment Instructions.


Lecture notes: Price Competition


Results of the experiment


Click here to submit lab report.




Topic 2.


Experiment Instructions.


Lecture notes: Bertrand Complements


Results of the experiment.


Click here to submit lab report.



Topic 3.


Experiment Instructions.


Lecture notes: Diamond-Dybvig


Results of the experiment.


Click here to submit lab report.



Topic 4.


Experiment Instructions.


Lecture notes: Network Externalities


Results of the experiment.


Click here to submit lab report.



Homework Topic 5 (experiment due December 9th, lab report Dec 17th)


Experiment Instructions.


To play the experiment click here.

Use session code: trk1-horange


Results of the experiment.


Lecture Notes (read only after the experiment): Asymmetric Information


Click here to submit lab report.



Topic 6.


Experiment Instructions.


Lecture notes (read only after the classroom experiment): Vertical Markets


Results and graph of the experiment.


Click here to submit lab report.



Topic 7.


Experiment Instructions


Lecture notes (read only after the classroom experiment): Hold-up Problem


Results of the experiment.


Click here to submit lab report.



Topic 8.


Experimental Instructions


Lecture Notes: Draft


Paper explaining paradox (with tree).


Results of the experiment.


Click here to submit lab report.



Homework Topic 9 (experiment due December 24th, lab report Jan 7th)


Experiment Instructions.


To play the experiment click here.

Use session code: trk1-hpricedis


Lecture Notes: price discrimination


Results of the experiment.


Click here to submit lab report.



Topic 10.


Experiment Instructions.


Lecture Notes: Insurance.


Results of the experiment.


Click here to submit lab report.



Topic 11.


Experiment Instructions.


Lecture Notes: Signalling


Results of the experiment and graph


Click here to submit lab report.



Topic 12.


Experimental Instructions


Lecture Notes: Subgame perfection


Results of the experiment and graph.


Click here to submit lab report.


Topic 13.


Experimental Instructions


Further reading: Taxes


Click here to submit lab report.



Topic 14 (NOT ON TEST).


Experimental Instructions


This is a home experiment. To run it click here.

Use session code: tek12



Click here to submit lab report.